- At the meeting they laid into each other fiercely. 在會上他們激烈地相互指責。
- At the committee meeting the experts laid into each other fiercely. 在委員會會議上,專家們互相猛烈抨擊。
- Rooks attack each other if they are on the same row or column. 如果兩個車在同一行或同一列,它們就可互相吃掉。
- The Dragons will attack each other and tear each other to pieces. 龍會互相襲擊,把對方撕成碎片。
- When you take these actions there will be no need to attack each other. 當你採取這樣的行動的時候,就不需要再彼此攻擊了。
- Employment their best talent for retaining such talents each other fiercely competitive, as well as its own staff to conduct extensive training. 它們雇傭一流的人才,為保留這樣的人才而彼此激烈地競爭,並對自己的員工進行廣泛的培訓。
- Game Controls: Mouse to control the direction of the robot, using the left mouse button click on the pictures fired bullets to attack each other, through games. 遊戲操作:滑鼠控制機器人的的方向,用滑鼠左鍵點擊畫面可以發射子彈來攻擊對方,過關遊戲。
- By playing both ends against the middle, and, letting the Government and Opposition parties attack each other, the smallest of the three parties wasable to win votes and agin more seats in the House. 通過使政府與反對黨兩者之間相互攻擊,三黨中的最小黨派獲利匪淺,他們贏得了更多的選票以及在議院中的席位。
- The players hurl themselves at each other fiercely, 運動員猛烈地互相撞擊,
- By playing both ends against the middle,and,letting the Government and Opposition parties attack each other,the smallest of the three parties wasable to win votes and agin more seats in the House. 通過使政府與反對黨兩者之間相互攻擊,三黨中的最小黨派獲利匪淺,他們贏得了更多的選票以及在議院中的席位。
- The process is the particular form of social activity in which the opposing armed forces attack each other or defend themselves against one another,employing strategy and tactics favourable to themselves and unfavourable to the enemy. 這過程,就是敵對的軍隊互相使用有利於己不利於敵的戰略戰術從事攻擊或防禦的一種特殊的社會活動形態。
- The process is the particular form of social activity in which the opposing armed forces attack each other or defend themselves against one another, employing strategy and tactics favourable to themselves and unfavourable to the enemy. 這過程,就是敵對的軍隊互相使用有利於己不利於敵的戰略戰術從事攻擊或防禦的一種特殊的社會活動形態。
- But while patriotism might make citizens less inclined to attack each other, it makes the state more inclined to attack other countries, for it knows it is likely to command the support of its people. 問題是,雖然愛國主義可能會減少其公民之間的相互攻擊,但它卻使一個國家更容易攻擊其他國家,因為這個國家知道其民眾很可能會相應國家的號召。
- Two powers are deterred from attacking each other because of the unacceptable damage that would result from the victim's retaliation. 兩國都由於害怕受害國的反擊造成難以接受的破壞而不敢進攻對方。
- Attacking your spouse Have you ever had a conversation where you and your spouse spend the entire time attacking each other? 攻擊你的配偶你是否曾經有這樣的經驗,你跟你的配偶花了所有的時間來彼此攻擊?
- Other, lower-level conflicts, such as Catholics and Protestants attacking each other in Mexico's Chiapas, occasionally flare up. 其他的低強度衝突,像是天主教和新教在墨西哥恰帕斯的互相爭鬥,偶爾也會爆發。
- So foreign powers demonized China as so-called yellow peril, at the same time, even attacked each other by the same means. 為此,列強在「妖魔化」中國為「黃禍」的同時,甚至也相互攻擊對方為「黃禍」。
- Both men appear more intent on laying into his legacy of free-market reforms, though some predated his rule from 2001-06, than on attacking each other. 二人停止了互相攻擊,而都將矛頭指向了他的自由市場改革所帶來的不良影響,儘管有些是在他執政前的2001-06年間提出的。
- The two plans meshed with each other smoothly. 這兩個計劃互相配合得很好。
- The pupils sneaked on each other to the teacher. 學生相互向老師講了我的壞話。