- heating at regular time and constant temperature 定時恆溫加熱
- English learners, old and young, gather at regular time to practise their spoken English. 老老少少會定期聚在一起操練。
- Now, the only solution is to turn to the home care agency for a short-term 「pet sitter」, who likes GoGo and is willing to visit and take care of GoGo at regular time. 現在,他只得找到家政公司幫忙引薦一位喜歡狗狗的「假期保姆」,每天定時到家中照顧他的愛犬。
- She sang and at the same time we clapped out a regular time. 她唱歌,而我們同時拍手打拍子。
- Beginning to end time and quantity of creep anomary in survey points are related to magnitude and distance from focus region. 蠕變異常在各測點上出現和結束的時間、量級與震級、距震源區遠近等因素有關。
- Shall we meet at the usual time and place? 我們在老地方老時間見面好嗎?
- Upon receipt form the sellers lf the advice as to the time and quantity expected ready for shipment, an irrevocable Letter Of Credit in favour of the sellers. 買方在受到賣方關於預計裝船日期及準備裝船的數量的通知后,應於裝期前天,通過中國銀行西安分行開立以賣方為收益人的不可撤消的信用證。
- The valve will open and close at regular intervals. 閥門將按一定的時間間隔開閉。
- The optimum conditions were glucose,1 2%,(NH 4) 2SO 4,0 6%,and yeast extract 0 5%,the time and quantity of adding disodium cis epoxysuccinate was 32h and 3 58%,respectively. 正交優化試驗的最佳培養基和培養時間為 :葡萄糖 1 2%25 ,硫酸銨 0 6%25 ,酵母膏0 5%25 ; 順式環氧琥珀酸二鈉投加時間為 30h ,投加量為 3 5 8%25 ;
- He comes back to see us at regular intervals. 他每隔一段時間就回來看看我們。
- Leaves and blades are cut at regular intervals. 按有規律的間隔割取所需葉片。
- have one's meals at regular time 飲食定時
- In the activation of lignin charcoal with activating agent A, the effects of activation temperature, time and quantity of activating agent on methylene blue adsorption, iodine value and yield of activated carbon were studied. 以水解木素炭為原料,用鹼類化合物A作活化劑,研究了活化溫度、活化時間及活化劑用量對活性炭的亞甲基藍脫色力、碘值和活化得率的影響。
- calibrating angule at regular time 定時測角
- Learning a language require time and effort. 學習一種語言是需要時間和精力的。
- We will meet at a given time and location. 我們將在指定的時間和地點見面
- Richard gets one dollar for regular pay and a dollar and a half for time and a half. 理查德固定工資為每小時一美元,加班費為每小時一個半美元。
- Let the children of Israel keep the Passover at its regular time. 以色列人應當在所定的日期守逾越節,
- The computerized elecronic engine controls the timing and quantity of fuel injection precisely and effectively. This helps eliminate excessive smoke emission during acceleration. 環保引擎的油量,噴油角度皆由電子控制,有效控制船隻起航或加速時排放的煙量。
- You must make sure of the time and place. 你必須把時間和地點弄清楚。