- At last; in the end; eventually. 最後;最終;終於
- He decided to turn over a new leaf after that. In the end finally; at last He tried various different jobs and in the end became a tourist guide. 他嘗試做過各種不同的工作,最後當了一名導遊。起初他反對這門婚事,但最終他還是同意了。
- The cold weather at last broke at the end of March. 寒冷的天氣終於在三月末結束了。
- The sun broke through at last in the afternoon. 太陽在下午終於從雲層後面鑽出來了。
- At last the noise was traced to a fault in the pipes. 最終發現嗓音是由管子里的一處缺陷所致。
- Peter and Tom finally made up in the end. 彼特和湯姆最後和解了。
- They at last gain me over in the debate. 他們終於在辯論中把我說服了。
- Remember, for example, the false hopes raised at the end of 2003, when Saddam Hussein was at last plucked by American soldiers from his hiding hole in the outback. 例如,還記得在2003年底,當薩達姆海珊最終被美軍士兵從其所隱蔽的伊拉克境內的洞穴中捕獲時,對形勢的錯誤估計。
- In the end they reached a place of safety. 他們終於到達了一個安全的地方。
- Did the man in the shop understand him at last? 這位店員最後理解他的話了嗎?
- The coach checked in the basketball uniforms at the end of the school year. 體育教練在學年結束時檢查並收回籃球隊的球衣。
- At last we are in the Big Apple! 我們終於來到紐約了。
- I'm sure you'll get there in the end. 我相信你最終能成功。
- At one point I think she is going to refuse, but in the end she agrees. 當時我以為她要拒絕,但最後她卻同意了。
- He debated buying a new car, but didn't in the end. 他思量很久是否買輛新汽車,但最後還是沒買。
- He's a bit slow but in the end he latches on. 他有點遲鈍,但畢竟還能理解。
- At last in the ending ,the recrimination of the exiting of literature under the background of popular culture. 最後在結論中對大眾文化衝擊下的文學生存提出了新的思考。
- Most embezzlers are found out in the end. 大多數貪污犯最後都被查出並逮捕歸案
- No doubt I will succeed in the end. 我確信我最終會成功。
- At the age of60, my father was at last able to get out of the rat race in the city and buy a house in the quiet country side. 我父親在60歲時終於得以擺脫城市中你爭我奪的無情競爭,在僻靜的鄉下買了一幢房子。