- He believed that China and Japan were fundamentally as close as brothers, and as soon as Japanese militarism perished, Sino-Japanese relations could return to friendship. 再者,戰後的中國可居亞洲領導地位,日本必會主動來歸,特別是兩國在戰前就是以反共為國策,戰後更應在反共的前提下合作無間。
- I love the school that spacious classrooms, a vast playground, green trees and love a variety of activities, I also love the mother as teachers and as close as brothers and sisters of the students. 我愛學校那寬敞的教室,廣闊的操場,碧綠的樹木,愛豐富多彩的活動,我更愛母親般的老師和親如兄弟姐妹的同學們。
- Their friendship was as close as ever it had been. 他們的友誼跟以往一樣親密。
- The Chinese and Korean comrades should unite as closely as brothers, go through thich and thin together,stich together in life and death and fight to the end to defeat their common enemy. ( 續)那次會議的唯一收穫是給了人民以深刻的教育,使人民懂得:和帝國主義的走豿蔣介石國民黨及其幫凶們決無妥協的餘地,或者是推翻這些敵人,或者是被這些敵人所屠殺和壓迫,二者必居其一,其他的道路是沒有的。
- Their friendship is as close as ever it has been. 他們的友誼跟以往一樣親密。
- Please put me as close as possible to the window. 請盡量讓我們的座位靠近窗戶。
- Our relations have so grown that bind us not only as close friends but also as brothers. 例如我們之間關係的發展,使我們不僅成為親密的朋友,而且成為兄弟。
- The landlady is as close as a clam. 女房東非常吝嗇。
- Put us as close as possible to the window,please. 請給我們安排張盡量靠近窗戶的桌位。
- Iwinked as close as ever I could. 我盡量緊閉了眼睛。
- Families are now not as close as they used to be. 引用題目中原文,但又非。
- We are as close as two peas in a pod. 我們如漆似膠。
- Put me as close as possible to the stage, please. 請將我的位子盡量安排靠近舞台。
- Put us as close as possible to the window, please. 請給我們安排張盡量靠近窗戶的桌位。
- KR: Probably as close as its always been. 也許如同以往一樣的競爭激烈。
- It focusses as close as 9 feet or 2.5m. 它最近可對焦至9英尺或2.;5米
- You can trust him with anything. He is as close as an oyster. 你幹什麼事情都可放心同他講,他這個人守口如瓶。
- fraternal; as close as brothers 親如兄弟
- You can trust him with everything. He is as close as an oyster. 你什麼事情都可放心地對他講,他是個守口如瓶的人。
- You can trust him with anything.He is as close as an oyster. 你幹什麼事情都可放心同他講,他這個人守口如瓶。