- In 1998, it completed three public piers in the Sai Kung area, one light beacon at Sha Lo Wan and two dolphins at Shau Kei Wan. 年內,土木工程署完成了西貢區內的三個公眾碼頭、沙螺灣燈塔及筲箕灣系泊柱墩的建築工程。
- Conclusion:Proprietary methods,dot clear separation of good and can be used for light beacon Shengmai Capsules TLC. 結論:方法專屬、斑點清晰、分離度好,可用於燈盞生脈膠囊的薄層鑒別。
- A steady light beaconed from the shore. 岸上一束亮光起了航標的作用。
- In 1998,it completed three public piers in the Sai Kung area,one light beacon at Sha Lo Wan and two dolphins at Shau Kei Wan. 年內,土木工程署完成了西貢區內的三個公眾碼頭、沙螺灣燈塔及筲箕灣系泊柱墩的建築工程。
- A steady light beaconed from the tower. 一道穩定的光線從燈塔上指引著。
- It commenced construction of a light beacon at Sha Lo Wan,public piers at Sai Kung and Sam Ka Tsuen,modification to the northern breakwater of China Ferry Terminal and the planning for construction of a sheltered boat anchorage at Tai O. 同時,又開始了沙螺灣燈塔、西貢和三家村公眾碼頭的興建工程、改建中國客運碼頭的北防波堤,以及策劃興建大澳的船隻碇泊處。
- It commenced construction of a light beacon at Sha Lo Wan, public piers at Sai Kung and Sam Ka Tsuen,modification to the northern breakwater of China Ferry Terminal and the planning for construction of a sheltered boat anchorage at Tai O. 同時,又開始了沙螺灣燈塔、西貢和三家村公眾碼頭的興建工程、改建中國客運碼頭的北防波堤,以及策劃興建大澳的船隻碇泊處。
- Report approaching lights in sight. 看見進近燈報告。
- "Luxiaoming presentation Baliqiao, Link delivered Bridge, lighted beacon, and the people, and all three will be the restoration of the temple. 盧曉明介紹,八里橋、通運橋、燃燈塔、人民樓、三教廟等都將得到修復。
- Neon lights beaconed all night long. 霓虹燈像燈塔般整夜照耀著。
- We struck approach lighting on take-off, two tyres burst on left main landing gear, we have to dump fuel before returning to land. 起飛時撞進近燈,左起落架兩個輪胎爆破,返航著陸前需放油。
- ALSIP Approach Light System Improvement Program 進近燈光系統改進計劃
- sequenced flashing approach light 順序閃光進近燈
- Medium Height Approach Light System 中高度進場信號燈系統
- Medium Intensity Approach Light System 中強度進場信號燈系統
- Simplified Short Approach Light System 簡易短程進場照明系統
- This thesis approaches Light in August from a new perspective to throw some light on the structure of the novel so as to reveal its plurality and cohesion. 本文擬從新的角度來分析《八月之光》的結構,以揭示其多元性和內聚力。
- Sword Of The Sun: Allows the light beacon to operate even in patches of shadow 太陽寶劍:讓光塔在陰影里也可以工作
- The program includes the testing and certification of lighting and visual aid equipment, such as runway approach lighting, to applicable FAA standards for safety, performance, and quality. 該計劃包括對照明和虛擬輔助設備進行測試和驗證,如跑道路徑照明,通過測試和驗證來達到FAA的安全、性能和質量標準。
- She made a sign for me to approach her. 她對我發出靠近她的暗號。