- sequential appointed information 時序指定信息
- News, stocks, weather, and appointment information is delivered straight to your watch by using FM radio signals. 通過使用調頻無線電信號,新聞、股票、天氣和約會信息直接傳遞到您的手錶中。
- It was a luxuriously appointed room. 這是一個陳設豪華的房間。
- We must appoint sb to act as secretary. 我們得指定一個人當秘書。
- He was appointed to act as the executor. 他被指定為遺囑執行人。
- He was appointed to superintend the toy department. 他獲任玩具部的負責人。
- He was appointed captain of a company of rifles. 他被任命為步槍連連長。
- He was appointed the general consul of Japan. 他被任命為駐日本的總領事。
- He was appointed the rector of the middle school. 他被任命為那所中學的校長。
- He is raking through old records for information. 他在過去的記錄中找尋資料。
- He was appointed to the vacant post. 他被委派填補那空缺。
- All our information is up to date on the computer. 我們計算機上的信息都是最新的。
- The young soldier was appointed squadron leader. 這位年輕的士兵被任命為騎兵隊的隊長。
- He was appointed ambassador to the United States. 他被任命為駐美國大使。
- For further information, contact your local agent. 要進一步了解情況,請與本地代理商聯繫。
- He was appointed to a consultancy. 他被派去做會診醫生。
- She wasn't there at the appointed time. 在約定的時間她不在那裡。
- A request for information from another system. 為查看另一系統中的信息而發出的一種請求。
- The company decided to appoint a new treasurer. 公司決定任命一位新司庫。
- The information ought to be made more accessible. 資料應該明白易懂。