- 把「grandma」讀成「grammar」是語音同化的一個例證。It's an exzample of speech assimilation to pronounce"grandma" as "grammar"
- BFO逐級細分Use Case的方法An Approach of Step by Step Dividing Use Case Based on BFO
- 詞法分析和語法分析部分又分為輸入命令數據流以及Fortran源程序數據流的詞法分析和語法分析,后一部分是本文分析的重點,它以詞法分析程序生成器grammar lexer.The accidence and syntax analysis parts consist of the analysis of data stream of the input directive and the Fortran program. The latter is the emphasis of this article. Its hard core is the accidence analysis builder grammar_lexer.
- 對包含游標的查詢使用USE PLAN查詢提示Using the USE PLAN Query Hint on Queries with Cursors
- 返回一條消息,指示已成功完成USE語句,並且Then returned a message to indicate that the USE statement completed successfully and
- 對USE master語句不會檢查SHOWPLAN許可權。No SHOWPLAN permission is checked on the USE master statement.
- 若要解決此問題,請執行USE語句打開資料庫。To resolve this, execute a USE statement to open the database.
- 說明如何通過USE PLAN查詢提示對查詢實現強制計劃。Explains how to implement plan forcing for a query using the USE PLAN query hint.
- WSDL允許控制參數和返回值的格式設置的use屬性使用兩個值WSDL allows two values for the use attribute that controls parameter, and return value, formatting
- USE PLAN可以用於強制查詢優化器為查詢使用指定的查詢計劃。USE PLAN can be used to force the query optimizer to use a specified query plan for a query.
- 如果資料庫用戶在資料庫上沒有CONNECT許可權,則USE語句將失敗。If the database user does not have CONNECT permission on the database, the USE statement will fail.
- 因此,出現在批處理中USE語句之後的語句將在指定資料庫中執行。Therefore, statements that appear in a batch after the USE statement are executed in the specified database.
- 配置選項的當前運行值(sys.configurations.value_in_use中的值)。Currently running value of the configuration option (value in sys. Configurations. Value_in_use).
- 第一個批只包含一條USE AdventureWorks語句,用於設置資料庫上下文。The first batch contains only a USE AdventureWorks statement to set the database context.
- 如果你給它USE,它將找到USEnet,但是你給它net,它就不會找到USEnet了。If you give it USE, it finds USENET, but if you give it NET, it doesn't.
- 如果提供默認資料庫的名稱,則不用執行USE語句就可以連接到指定的資料庫。If the name of a default database is supplied, you can connect to the specified database without executing the USE statement.
- 本文使用Z語言給出UML中Use Case圖的形式化描述,為UML提供形式化的基礎。This paper describes formally the Use Case Diagram with Z language, which provide formal basis for UML.
- 有關如何在通過游標提交的查詢的計劃指南中使用USE PLAN查詢提示的信息,請參閱For information about how to use the USE PLAN query hint in a plan guide for a query submitted with a cursor, see