designed for defense from a surface position against air attack
用作形容詞 (adj.)
The computer further aids these operators by calculating the most effective use of the interceptor aircraft, antiaircraft funs, and also antiaircraft missiles. 計算機進一步的幫助由計算阻止的人飛機的最有效的使用的這些操作員,防空的趣事,並且也防空的導彈。
Originally developed by the British for military defense, this new technology allowed controllers to see the position of aircraft tracked on video displays. 雷達這種由英國人發明,最初用於防空的設備,可以讓管制員在屏幕上看到飛行器目標點的方位。
用作名詞 (n.)
These losses could be reduced by sending along swarms of electronic- warfare aircraft and bombers to destroy the enemy radars and antiaircraft weapons. 要減少損失,可出動大批電子戰機和轟炸機摧毀敵人的雷達和防空武器。