The nitrogen base controlled atmosphere continuous brazing furnace is the new brazing equipment. 文章介紹了現代用於冷軋不銹帶鋼生產的連續退火爐的組成及結構。
It can improve the quality of the annealing process and diagnose some failures. 該模型對改善玻璃退火窯運行質量,預測玻璃成型性能具有積極的意義。
With the increasing size of the float glass roller annealing lehr, its traditional driving system is facing a severe problem on strength. 摘要浮法玻璃退火窯尺寸不斷加大,使得退火窯輥道傳動系統,特別是傳動軸等零件面臨著強度方面的風險。