Aureomycin residues were found in pork.Residues of antibacterial drugs indicated that animal food was not optimistic. 豬肉中檢出金黴素的殘留,表明動物性食品抗菌藥物殘留的現狀不容樂觀。
The problem with the long-term use of the non-nutritions additives in feeding has had bad effects on animal food and man's health. 飼料中非營養性添加劑長期使用已對動物性食品的安全和人類的健康造成了嚴重的威脅。
Alfalfa can be used as animal food. 紫花苜蓿可以用作動物飼料。
The bean plant is cultivated for animal fodder. 種植豆科植物可以用來當動物飼料。