Emma Woodhouse, rich, clever, beautiful, and no more spoiled and self-satisfied than one would expect under such circumstances, had just seen her friend, companion, and ex-governess, Miss Taylor, married to a neighboring widower, Mr. Weston. 愛瑪·伍德豪斯家境富有,人又聰穎、美麗,處於這種環境里的人有些嬌生慣養,自以為是,也在情理之中。她剛剛參加了她的朋友、伴侶、前家庭教師泰勒小姐嫁給鄰近的鰥夫韋斯頓先生的婚禮。
Every Mexican president since1934 has served his single term and no more. 自1934年以來,歷屆墨西哥總統都只任一屆就不再連任了。
And no more shall I write I swear until this gale is blown out, or we are blown to kingdom-come. 我發誓,這陣大風不停息我是不會再寫了。不然我們要被吹到天國里去。
He couldn't lift the table and no more could I. 他抬不動那張桌子,我也抬不動