- Considering the losses in the disaster area, our support was an utterly inadequate measure. 比起災區的損失,我們的支援不過杯水車薪。
- an utterly inadequate measure;Trying to put out a burning cartload of faggots with a cup of water 杯水車薪
- I'm an utterly average, total geek. 我是一個十足地普通的絕對的怪胎。
- All the catering to vice and waste was on an utterly childish scale. 為腐化和浪費所提供的一切實在是起碼得很。
- As a humen being, one has been endowed with just enough intelligence to be able to see clearly how utterly inadequate that intelligence is when conformted with what exists. 身為人類,我們所擁有的智慧剛好能夠了解,在面對這個世界時,我們的智利顯得多麼的不足。
- Love is an utterly bygone, sorry, worn-out, miserable thing with me. 對我來說,愛情已經凋零,變得悲涼凄惻,一去不復返了。
- Picking fruit joyfully in an orchard was an utterly new experience for us. 在蔬菜之鄉壽光,有趣的蔬菜拍賣,輕鬆的果園採摘,讓我們有了一次全新的體驗。
- Customers can look forward to an utterly unparalleled driving experience. 客戶可以期待一個完全無與倫比的駕駛體驗。
- Second,not enough attention has been paid to education inneed to defend the country,and to fight against Japan in particular,among the masses.This important work has remained utterly inadequate even since the war of resistance broke out. 其次,是由於過去對民眾缺乏民族的教育特別是抗日的教育,甚至在抗戰爆發后,這一重大的工作,依然表現著異常的不夠。
- Second, not enough attention has been paid to education inneed to defend the country, and to fight against Japan in particular, among the masses.This important work has remained utterly inadequate even since the war of resistance broke out. 其次,是由於過去對民眾缺乏民族的教育特別是抗日的教育,甚至在抗戰爆發后,這一重大的工作,依然表現著異常的不夠;
- Measures such as these were utterly inadequate even had they been observed to the letter, but in reality complaints were made frequently, especially in Germany, that they were disregarded. 這樣的政策即使行之成文,也完全難以應付時局。事實上,抱怨是日日灌耳,其中德國的牢騷最大,他們說自己不受重視。
- Considering the losses in the disaster area, our support was an utterly inadequatemeasure. 比起災區的損失,我們的支援不過杯水車薪。
- Wei is an utterly compelling stage presence, and she played deftly here to the larger scale. 衛是一個非常迫切的階段存在,她巧妙地發揮這裡的規模。
- She was frightened by an utterly false accusation and an utterly scurrilous threat. 她受到人家徹頭徹尾的誣告,還被人家徹頭徹尾的卑鄙威脅嚇壞了。
- You're supposed to shuck off your old self, lose track of the news back home and try on an utterly foreign way of life. 可以徹底地放鬆自己,拋開在家鄉發生的所有的事情,嘗試全新的、異國的生活方式。
- Transmitted the sound of an utterly discomfited at this moment: "How that is OK!That is the place that I should keep! 這時傳來了一個氣急敗壞的聲音:「那怎麼可以!
- He was a celebrity of an utterly archaic, type, nationally famous for sponsoring and officiating athletic competitions. 於是,在這場博覽會上,他便可以藉機一勞永逸地證明這一點。
- "In sentencing Lister, Judge Nicholas Coleman said: "It was an utterly inappropriate relationship borne out of your obsession with her. 而利斯特的妻子克萊爾在法庭上表示:「利斯特對自己的過去的行為已感到悔過。
- But soon you end up with a monster application, with dozens or even hundreds of pages, which form an utterly unmaintainable, unscalable mess. 但是很快您就不得不停下來了,因為出現了一個可怕的應用程序將事情搞得一團糟。
- Our most loyal customers want their Arnage to combine an utterly effortless drivetrain with an unparalleled level of comfort, style, and specification. 我們最忠實的客戶希望他們的雅緻結合一個完全輕鬆的動力無與倫比水平的舒適,樣式和規格。