- Creative use of the cover system can help even the odds when a small squad is facing an overwhelming force. 創造性地利用封面系統可以幫助甚至賠率時,一個小隊正面臨著壓倒性的力量。
- Our football team has won an overwhelming victory. 我們的足球隊取得了壓倒性的勝利。
- She felt an overwhelming desire to return home. 她感到想回家的願望難以遏制。
- The motion was passed by an overwhelming majority. 提案以壓倒多數通過。
- Grant was reelected by an overwhelming margin. 結果格蘭特以壓倒的多數選票獲勝而蟬聯總統。
- He felt an overwhelming sense of loss. 他感到非常失落。
- To make a sentence was an overwhelming effort. 講一句話也吃力得要命。
- We're having an overwhelming response to our ad. 我們的廣告反響很大。
- He was voted in by an overwhelming majority. 他以壓倒多數的選票當選了。
- The act was adopted by an overwhelming majority. 該法案以壓倒多數通過。
- Wagnerian is an overwhelming experience. 瓦格納的歌劇給人以迴腸盪氣的享受。
- MJ: If anybody's a hero, isn't it somebody who stands up to overwhelming force? 記者:勇敢對抗惡勢力的人不就是英雄嗎?
- For a moment he had an overwhelming hallucination of her presence. 他一時覺得她好象就在身邊,這種幻覺很強烈。
- An overwhelming sense of his own unworthiness suddenly bore down upon with crushing force, as he thought of this. 他想到這裡,一陣覺得自己真是拙劣,這種感覺橫衝直撞地撲上他的心頭。
- The House voted the proposal down by an overwhelming majority. 議院以壓倒多數否決了這項提案。
- By an overwhelming vote the Senate disagreed with the House motion. 參議院以壓倒優勢的票數否決了眾議院的動議。
- All these shape the tumultuous torrent rushing with overwhelming force towards the only sea. 這一切造成了奔騰的一股激流,具有排山之勢,向著唯一的海流去。
- Facing an overwhelming task, Froman appealed to his Rotary club. 面臨這麽巨大的任務,福洛曼向他的扶輪社求援。
- He was threatened at once by an overwhelming combination. 他馬上就遭到一支強大的聯合力量的威脅。
- The resolution was adopted by an overwhelming majority. 這個決議經絕大多數贊成通過了。