- An extraordinary personality cult had been created around the leader. 在這位領導人的周圍興起了一場異乎尋常的個人崇拜。
- She smiled with an extraordinary niceness. 她笑得異常甜美。
- as i grow odder and wiser ,i realize what an extraordinary person she is 。 我漸漸長大,也漸漸懂事了,我認識到她是一個非常了不起的人。
- This was indeed an extraordinary step. 這也確實是了不起的一步。
- He was regarded as an extraordinary leader. 他被認為是一位傑出的領袖。
- Bryan had become an extraordinary young man. 布萊恩已經長成了一個傑出青年,
- What an extraordinary assortment! 真是五花八門,稀奇古怪!
- He was a gracious man, an extraordinary catch. 他為人謙和寬厚,是個難得的好人。
- In the room is an extraordinary pair of cradles. 也許,這個房間最不尋常之處是有一對極為別緻的搖籃。
- The scene had an extraordinary charm. 景色顯得異乎尋常的美。
- What an extraordinary fan painting! 扇頭妙染!
- What an extraordinary thing he had done! 他做了一件多麼離奇的事情啊!
- Annie dreamed an extraordinary dream last night. 安妮昨晚做了個奇特的夢。
- He has an extraordinary faculty for mathematics. 他在數學方面有優異的才能。
- What an extraordinary thing to say! 真是咄咄怪事!
- Upon my soul, this is an extraordinary story! 天哪!這真離奇!
- This has been an extraordinary election. 這次大選是一次非比尋常的大選。
- She has an extraordinary talent for piano. 她在彈鋼琴方面才華出眾。
- Do ordinary things in an extraordinary way. 把平凡的事做得不平凡。
- It』s really quite an extraordinary switchover. 他們做得很了不起。」