- For an excellent working environment. 為了優良的工作環境。
- This can be said as an excellent work with highest beauty of gorgeousness typical for five-color wares in that period. 由口部至足邊繪主、副題紋飾十層,花紋繁滿細密,以濃紅、翠綠、青花、褐黃重彩描繪,色彩濃艷、濃厚、強烈,極為華麗。
- Since this year, an excellent work of short-short supermarket still is chosen to carry by offprint ceaselessly. 今年以來,小小說超市的佳作依然不斷被選刊選載。
- They are indeed a well equiped, technically superior, integrated professional propsecting team of substance with an excellent work ethnics . 是一支技術水平精湛、設備齊全先進、工作作風優良、綜合實力雄厚的專業物探隊伍.
- Cheerfulness is an excellent working quality, imparting great elasticity to the character. 愉快是非常好的工作品質,給人很開朗的心情。
- Just like an excellent work of art, a good advertisement must be rooted in the soil of the national culture so that it will burgeon forth. 而一則好的廣告就像一個好的藝術作品一樣,必須植根於民族文化的土壤,才能生根發芽。
- Cheerfulness is an excellent working quality,imparting great elasticity to the character. 愉快是非常好的工作品質,給人很開朗的心情。
- The Merry Widow is an excellent work of Franz Lehar, a milestone in the history of Viennese operetta and a gem of the operetta. 《風流寡婦》是雷哈爾的一部佳作,是維也納輕歌劇發展史上一座里程碑,是輕歌劇中的瑰寶。
- Chants and hymns of the Dhamrmapada Sutra are the essence of all the scriptures, an excellent work that doesn't need any polishing. 《法句經》中的偈語本是眾經中的精華,不加雕飾,自成文學。
- "Central Payment Corporation is looking for candidates with an excellent work ethic, a positive attitude and the ability to succeed in a competitive environment," says managing partner Zachary Hyman. 「中心支付公司正在尋找候選人,有絕佳的工作熱情,積極的態度,並能夠在競爭環境中成功,」管理合伙人扎卡里%23海曼說。
- Article of total pot poem is decorous, sculpture character is like natural and smooth writing, clever and carefree, what make an excellent work of stannic tea service for Shen Cunzhou, very scarce. 全罐詩文高雅,雕刻文字如行雲流水,靈動暢快,為沈存周所制錫茶具之佳作,極為少見。
- This hall would make an excellent theatre. 這座大廳可當作極好的劇院。
- It is an excellent novel in every way. 無論從哪方面來看,這都是一本優秀的小說。
- He is an excellent speaker of French. 他法語說得非常好。
- She is an excellent administrator. 她是個優秀的管理人員。
- She was well known as an excellent dancer. 她作為一名優秀的舞蹈演員而出名。
- She would have made an excellent teacher. 她本可以成為傑出的教師。
- He worked out an excellent idea. 他想出了一個極好的主意。
- He could produce excellent work but usually he can't be bothered. 他其實可以把工作做好,可他往往嫌費事而不幹。
- Rice makes an excellent complement to a curry dish. 有咖喱的菜配米飯最妙。