逗人笑的;有樂趣的;好笑的 funny and enjoyable;causing amusement
providing enjoyment; pleasantly entertaining;
"an amusing speaker"
"a diverting story"
arousing or provoking laughter;
"an amusing film with a steady stream of pranks and pratfalls"
"an amusing fellow"
"a comic hat"
"a comical look of surprise"
"funny stories that made everybody laugh"
"a very funny writer"
"it would have been laughable if it hadn't hurt so much"
"a mirthful experience"
"risible courtroom antics"
用作形容詞 (adj.)
He is an amusing contrast to Russell. 他和拉塞爾形成了有趣的對照。
The announcer broadcasted a piece of amusing news. 播音員報道了一條有趣的新聞。
The noise pollution survey revealed a rather surprising and possibly amusing old fashioned source of noise. 這個有關噪音的污染調查還揭示了一種出人意外而同時可能會引人意外而同時可能會引人發笑的老式噪音源。