- I listened to his excuse with a mixture of amusement and disbelief. 我懷著一種既好笑又不相信的複雜心情聽了他的辯解。
- His son was a continuous source of amusement and delight to him. 他的兒子給了他無窮的樂趣和快樂。
- Pay and promotion are often by seniority. 教師的薪金和晉陞也是論資排輩。
- He gave her a wry look,something between amusement and regret. 他用頗耐玩味的目光看她一眼,說不清是開心,還是悵惋。
- Prepare sales kits and promotion flyer, etc. 準備銷售小冊子和銷售推廣宣傳單。
- Exhibition and promotion of Thai specials. 展銷泰國系列菜。
- Co-op advertising and promotion service. 共同廣告宣傳推廣服務。
- The tinsel of parties and promotional events. 華而不實的晚會和促銷活動
- Organized procedures for faculty tenure and promotion cases. 規劃教授終身職位及升級的程序。
- Her job is mainly concerned with sales and promotion. 她的工作主要是營銷和廣告宣傳方面的。
- Ensure an effective internal transfer and promotion process. 辦理內部的轉崗及升遷手續。
- What kind do conduct propaganda and promotion firm have? 宣傳和推廣公司有哪些方式?
- Laura seemed to find Joe amusing and interesting. 勞拉好象覺得喬既逗人喜愛又令人感到興趣。
- The English spoken there is so amusing and musical. 那個地區所講的英語十分美好動聽。
- I listened to his adventure with a mixture of amusement and disbelief. 我懷著一種既好笑又不相信的複雜心情聽了他講述的冒險經歷。
- OHA lowered the true P-fixation in soil and promot P utilization. 氧解腐殖酸能降低土壤磷的真實固定量,提高磷肥的吸收利用效率;
- Inducts the leisure with to go sightseeing function of the amusement and rest. 並且導入休閒與觀光遊憩之功能.
- Collect the competitor's information of advertising and promotion. 收集競爭對手廣告投放情況和促銷信息.
- "Damn," said the Captain, amused and vexed. 「見鬼,」上尉又好氣又好笑地說。
- I thought he was a very amusing and extraordinary. 我覺得他是一個非常有趣、不同尋常的人。