- His insurer has admitted liability but the amount of damages has not yet been agreed. 他的保險公司承認有賠償責任,但對損害陪償金的數額還未達成協議。
- The amount of damages is governed by the seriousness of the injury suffer. 損失賠償金的金額取決於所遭損害的嚴重程度。
- She can only speculate on the amount of damage done. 她只知道推測損失額的方法。
- His insurer has admitted liability but the amount of damages has not yet been agreed . 他的保險公司承認有賠償責任,但對損害償金的數額還未達成協議。
- China's system of basing filing fees on the amount of damages requested makes large-scale infringement actions unnecessarily costly. 中國以請求的損害賠償額為基數計算訴訟案件受理費的體制,使提起大規模侵權訴訟的費用變得不必要地昂貴。
- Provided it is fulfilled, if the results are nil, no allowance for mitigation can be made in the amount of damages due to breach of contract. 只要履行了義務,即使沒有結果,也不得從違約賠償金中扣除緩解矛盾金。
- A large amount of damage was done in a very short time. 短期內造成了巨大損失。
- He has a large amount of mail to answer every day. 他每天有大量的信件要回復。
- This is the maximum amount of damage an item can inflict on something. 這個值是這件物品對其所攻擊事物的最大損害值。
- That creature deals an amount of damage equal to its power to Karplusan Yeti. 該生物對卡普路桑雪怪造成等同於該生物力量的傷害。
- An angiogram shows the amount of damage and blockage in blood vessels. 血管造影能夠反映出血管內破壞和阻塞的程度。
- The carpet will stand any amount of wear. 這地毯極其耐用。
- Clerics can do a moderate amount of damage using their Anathema line of spells. 牧師的很多技能在對不死系使用時能夠加大傷害量。他還有招降不死系的能力。
- The flood did a lot of damage to the crops. 洪水毀壞了大量農作物。
- The amount of a claim on an insurer by an insured. 險損賠償額保險人從承保人獲得的賠償數量
- The aim of damages is to compensate the plaintiff. 損害賠償的目的在於賠償原告的損失。
- Just think of the amount of time wasted. 想一想多少時間被浪費了。
- The amount of unemployed capital is very large. 未被利用的資金數量很大。
- Focuses massive amounts of damage onto a small area. 在一個小的面積之上集中龐大量的損失。
- Psychokinesis powers can deal large amounts of damage. 心靈轉化系異能能造成大量傷害。