In judging the delay, we must make allowance for the extremely bad weather. 在判斷延誤的原因時,我們必須把極端惡劣的天氣考慮進去。
An allowance for support made under court order to a divorced person by the former spouse, usually the chief provider during the marriage. Alimony may also be granted without a divorce, as between legally separated persons. 贍養費按照法庭判決離婚後的原配偶--通常為夫妻中收入較多的一方給另一方的供養補助。贍養費亦可付給並未離婚的雙方中的一方,如在合法分居時
She failed one of the exam papers, but we ought to make allowance for the fact that she was ill. 她有一門不及格,但我們必須考慮到她當時有病。