- The main road branches out into a narrow lane. 大馬路分出一條窄巷。
- He stepped off and turned into a narrow lane. 他走了下來,轉入一條窄巷。
- They fetched about into a narrow lane. 他們繞道拐進一條小巷。
- The truck backed out of the narrow lane. 卡車退出了狹窄的小巷。
- He wheeled his bike through the narrow lane. 他推著自行車穿過狹窄的巷子。
- Nearly 100 families live in this long and narrow lane. 這狹長的小巷裡居住著近百戶人家。
- A thin rain began to fall as he turned from the high road into a narrow lane. 當他從大路拐進一條小衚衕時,開始下起小雨來。
- An old oilcloth umbrella in hand, the lilac girl walks along the narrow lane. 撐一把古舊的油布傘,丁香一般的姑娘沿著狹窄的巷子走著。
- The front of the house gave on to the street,and the back on to a long narrow lane. 這房子的前門通向大街,後門通往一條狹長的弄堂。
- The front of the house gave on to the street, and the back on to a long narrow lane. 這房子的前門通向大街,後門通往一條狹長的弄堂。
- A farmer and his son, traveling by horse and buggy up a narrow lane, met a motorist going the other way. 一位農夫和他的兒子乘坐輕便馬車來到一段窄路,他們遇到一個開車的人向相反的方向去。
- Walk aling the street and pass the park.Then you will see a bank.Opposite the bank is a narrow lane. 沿街走,途經公園,然後你會看到一家銀行,銀行對面有一條窄巷。
- But if you're in a narrow lane with traffic whizzing by, stay in the car and keep your seat belt fastened. 但如果道路較狹窄、車輛急速穿梭,那麼呆在車內,繫緊安全帶。
- First,you cross the road,take the second turning on the left,wald about ten yards down a narrow lane,and you'll find yourself in another busy street. 警察: 首先,你過街,到第二個轉彎處向左拐,沿著一條狹窄的小巷走大約10碼路,你就會走另一條繁華的大街上。
- Dali is duller than Lijiang, but as I stroll around its streets, the sound of strange music draws me down a narrow lane. 同麗江相比,大理則是更為單調。但在我四處溜逛古城街道的時候,不同尋常的的音樂之聲將我吸引到一個狹窄小巷。
- We shall also visit hutong, the old and narrow lane in the city. So you will have access to the life of ordinary people , to see how people live in Beijing. 我們將去參觀北京城裡的古老而狹窄的街道--衚衕。這樣你們可以接觸老百姓,看一看他們是怎樣在北京生活的。
- In recent years, the day after repair Guishan expansion, greening and beautifying, many temples, stele a narrow lane, Pavilion, crooked corridor, tree-lined backdrop. 近年來,天桂山歷經重修擴建,綠化美化,殿宇林立,碑碣夾道,亭閣,曲廊,綠樹掩映。
- First, you cross the road, take the second turning on the left, wald about ten yards down a narrow lane, and you'll find yourself in another busy street. 警察:首先,你過街,到第二個轉彎處向左拐,沿著一條狹窄的小巷走大約10碼路,你就會走另一條繁華的大街上。
- There is a narrow lane in the front of the the mainly street, for the buildings are too high,there are no any sunshine,and the people can feel the sunsetting shadow. 街邊停靠的各種品牌的轎車,讓你數不過來,簡直就是一個車展一般。往左邊遠遠的望見迪拜午後的強烈的陽光,傾倒在街道上,房屋上。
- First, you cross the road, take the second turning on the left, wald about t yards down a narrow lane , and you'll find yourself in another busy street. 警察:首先,你過街,到第二個轉彎處向左拐,沿著一條狹窄的小巷走大約10碼路,你就會走另一條繁華的大街上。