- They camped all round the house, everywhere. 他們在這房子周圍統統搭起帳篷來,到處都是。
- I have been seeking it all round. 我一直在四處尋找它。
- He stood there looking all round. 他站在那兒環顧四周。
- "They camped all round the house, everywhere, in the cotton, in the corn. "他們在房子周圍搭起帳篷,在棉花田裡,玉米地里,到處都是。
- Our company's base is in London, but we have branches all round the world. 我們公司總部設在倫敦,但分公司遍及世界各地。
- Let us have introductions all round. 讓我們一一介紹一下。
- Whether can mucous cyst be labium all round string together in disorder everywhere? 下唇粘液囊腫是否會在周圍到處亂串?
- The house was shut in by schools all round. 這房子周圍都是學校。
- They are looking all round for his missing pen. 他們正在到處尋找他那支不見的鋼筆。
- She looked all round the room in a glaring manner. 她怒目的滿屋掃視了一下。
- Solve the problem: Why wheels are all round? 解決車輪為什麼是圓形的這一問題。
- There were soldiers positioned all round the town. 城裡到處都駐守著士兵.
- Taking it all round,it's not a bad car. 總的來說,這車還不壞。
- I have been looking all round for the missing book. 我到處尋找丟失的書。
- He has an earnest desire to be an all round person. 他迫切希望成為一個全面發展的人。?
- There are trees all round in the campus. 校園裡到處有樹。
- The house was shut in by factories all round. 這房子的周圍全是工廠。
- It's necessary to make introductions all round. 需要將大家一一互為介紹。
- It's time to make introductions all round. 是大家相互介紹的時候了。
- The garden has a high wall all round. 園子周圍有一堵高牆。