- Don't be all talking in confusion. 別七嘴八舌的!
- Do not be all talking in confusion. 別七嘴八舌的!
- The room was in confusion after the birthday party. 生日晚會之後,房間里一片混亂。
- The invaders made spoil of all in their way. 侵略者所到之處無不洗劫一空。
- The old woman looked at him in confusion. 老婦人用迷茫的目光打量著他。
- Injecting animals is all in a day's work for a vet. 給動物注射是獸醫的日常工作。
- His voice trailed off in confusion. 困惑中他的聲音逐漸變小
- All in all it had been a great success. 從各方面來說,那都是極大的成功。
- The necklace was all in all to that little girl. 那小女孩最喜歡那串項鏈了。
- The two health insurance schemes have nothing at all in common. 這兩個健康保險方案絲毫沒有共同之處。
- We are all in convulsion of laughter. 我們大家都笑得前仰後合。
- He scored 26 runs, all in boundaries. 他得了26分,都是打邊線球獲得的。
- The conference adjourned in confusion . 會議在混亂中閉會。
- All in all, it was a great success. 總之,是很成功的。
- On the trip to Hawaii, we were all in high spirits. 在去夏威夷的旅途中,我們都很開心。
- Utterly routed, the enemy fled in confusion. 敵人被打得潰不成軍,狼狽逃竄。
- She is all in a stew over her lost suitcase. 她因丟失衣箱焦急萬分。
- The fellow hung his head in confusion. 那傢伙惶惑地低下頭。
- We were all in a sweat over the final exam. 我們都為期末考試焦急不安。
- The meeting broke up in confusion. 會議在一片混亂中散了。