- A strong detoxifying formula that alkalizes, cleans and strengthens lymphatic tissues, specific at swollen lymph node. 這是強力的排毒配方,可鹼化、清潔及增強淋巴組織,特別針對淋巴結腫脹。
- This delay of dissolution and the dissolution speed depend upon the solution alkal... 溶解滯后和溶解速度與溶液的鹼度有關,與樹脂膜厚無關。
- OBJECTIVE Phyllanthus urinaria L.has many chemical constituents,such as flavonoids,lignans,alkal oids and so on.It has obvious effects on againsting the hepaitis B and little toxic to healthy. 葉下珠含黃酮類、木脂素類、生物鹼類、鞣質等多種成分,具有明顯的抗乙型肝炎病毒活性及對肝損傷的保護作用,且毒副作用低,是一種值得深入開發的抗乙肝藥物。
- Saline alkal soil in northwest area 西北地區鹽鹼地
- alkal potassium persulphate oxidation 鹼性過硫酸鉀氧化
- A water alkalize may be attached to the kitchen tap or installed under sink.It filters the water first, and then alkalizes and acidifies it via the ionizing chamber, creating the two streams of water. 對此,百度負責人則表示: 百度不參與任何詆毀活動,我們也從沒見過哪家公司老總總是指責別人過失。
- A Study on the Activation of Fly Ash Exited by Alkal 鹼對粉煤灰活性激發的研究
- Study on Bacterial Salt Tolerance and Enzymatic Characteristic in Saline Alkal Soil of Shaanxi, Ningxia and Inner Mongolia 黃河中上游半乾旱區典型鹽漬土中細菌耐鹽性及產酶特性研究
- saline alkal soil 鹽化鹼土
- chlor - alkal 氯鹼
- alkal stable pepsin 鹼穩定胃蛋白酶
- alkal melting pan 鹼熔鍋
- Alkal metals 鹼金屬