- The wasteland of the north is scarcely populated. 北方的大荒原地廣人稀。
- What shall we grow in this alkaline soil? 我們應該在鹼性土壤里種什麼?
- My friend told me that the place she live is a cultural wasteland. 我的朋友告訴我她住的地方文化生活貧乏。
- Plans are already made to develop the wasteland. 開發這片未開墾地的規劃已經制定。
- Becoming alkaline; slightly alkaline. 鹼化的變成鹼的; 弱鹼性的
- More wasteland will be opened up in a planned way. 將有計劃地開墾更多荒地。
- The alkaline solution may help to reduce acidity. 鹼性溶液有助於降低酸度。
- They reclaimed large tracts of wasteland. 他們開墾了大片荒地。
- My friend told me that the place she lived was a cultural wasteland. 我的朋友告訴我她住的地方文化生活貧乏。
- Lipase acts only in an alkaline solution. 脂肪酶僅在鹼溶液中才起作用。
- They opened up large tracts of wasteland. 他們開墾了大片荒地。
- Large tracts of wasteland have become a granary. 荒灘變成米糧川。
- The alkaline inclination of the local waters. 地方水土的鹼性傾向
- Germany was to be made one vast wasteland. 這就是說,德國要變成一片荒漠不毛之地。
- Becoming alkaline;slightly alkaline. 鹼化的變成鹼的;弱鹼性的
- More wasteland will be opened up here. 這裡將開墾更多的荒地。
- This water is strongly alkaline. 這種水呈強鹼性的。
- Don't miss this wasteland, this terrible place. 隨後便就此忘卻這片荒原,這業已墮落的土地。
- Alkaline condition favored this reaction. 鹼性條件有利於該反應;
- Wasn't The Wasteland resounding in my brain? 難道《荒原》的文字不是在我的腦海里回蕩嗎?