- Saying and doing should agree with each other. 言行應該一致。
- The witnesses' statements just don't agree with each other. 幾個證人的陳述並不一致。
- John and his wife do not agree with each other. 約翰與他太太之間感情不好。
- We do agree with each other sometimes. 有時候我們的意見也會一致。
- The witnesses'statements just don't agree with each other. 幾個證人的陳述並不一致。
- The witnesses rs statements just do not agree with each other. 幾個證人的陳述並不一致。
- Why do little birds in the nest agree with each other? 巢里的小鳥為什麼意見?
- I beg Evodia and Syntyche to agree with each other in the Lord. 我奉勸厄敖狄雅和欣提赫,要在主內有同樣的心情。
- They debate this issue for a long time, yet still don't agree with each other. 他們爭論這個問題很久了,然而仍然不同意彼此的意見。
- I know we agree with each other,but l'm afraid that David doesn't agree with us. 我知道我們彼此看法相同,但我擔心大衛不同意我們。
- Linger: Oh, brother. I『ve failed twice. Now my brother and my best friend agree with each other. 玲兒:噢,天埃我失敗了兩次。現在我弟和我最好的朋友意見相同。
- They are very opinionated on this topic. Fortunately for their friendship, they usually agree with each other's opinions and theories. 在這個話題上他們都很有見解。就他們的友誼來說,幸運的是他們總是認同彼此的觀點和理論。
- So all kindsof mixtures that might not agree with each other werefighting in his stomach.And when the stomach doesn'thave enough space, it goes up to the head. 各種的東西混在一起,彼此間互不相容,就在兔子的胃裡打起仗來,當胃沒有足夠空間時,那些東西就跑到頭裡去,所以兔子就頭痛了。
- The two plans meshed with each other smoothly. 這兩個計劃互相配合得很好。
- The boys competed with each other for the prize. 那些男孩子為贏得獎品而互相競爭。
- They often quarrel with each other about trifles. 他們經常為小事吵架。
- Besides, Merton and Lyotard do not agree with each other in terms of the relation between science and technology, the aim of scientific knowledge and the purpose of functional analysis. 二者在科學與技術的關係、科學知識的目標和功能分析的目的三個方面存在著不一致。
- They are at enmity with each other. 他們彼此不和。
- They live in perfect accord with each other. 他們生活在一起十分融洽。
- They're constantly at odds with each other. 他們常互相爭吵。