- No company,or even country,can afford to do this alone. 任何公司,甚至國家都不能單獨承擔這樣的費用。
- We can't afford to do it and besides,we aren't strong enough. 這個頭我們當不起,自己力量也不夠。
- I can't afford to co-workers,so I have to do for myself. 我雇不起幫手,所以只得自己料理家務。
- We can't afford to do a half-assed job of advertising. 我們不能對廣告工作不盡全力。
- No company, or even country, can afford to do this alone. 任何公司,甚至國家都不能單獨承擔這樣的費用。
- It is my considered opinion that we can't afford to do it. 我們承擔不了這事, 這是我經過深思熟慮的意見。
- We can afford to overlook minor offences. 我們可以不計較小過。
- Scientists in underdeveloped countries could not afford to do some expensive experiments. 欠發達國家的科學家沒有條件做某些昂貴的試驗。
- I cannot afford to go because I haven't a bean. 我沒法去,因為我身無分文。
- No country can afford to neglect education. 任何國家都不容忽視教育。
- However,today's organizations cannot afford to employ workers who simply wait to be told what to do. 然而,今天的企業已經不願僱用那些單等老闆指令行事的僱員。
- I can't afford to spend any more on food. 用在食物上的錢,再多一點兒我也花不起了。
- The ANC government has begun to relax exchange controls already, but it cannot afford to do so too quickly. 非國大政府已經開始放寬外匯管制,但是也不能放寬得太快。
- I cannot afford to waste my time making money. 我抽不出時間來浪費於賺錢。
- We stepped off the pace and let them back in it, you can't afford to do that against teams. 我們開場就處於領先,但卻讓他們逆轉,比賽時你不能讓這樣的事情發生。
- We can't afford to pay such a price. 我們付不起這個價錢。
- You earn your keep, you will be able to do many things that your parents cannot afford to let you do now. 等你自己掙錢時,你就可以做許多目前你父母沒有力量同意你。
- My lame excuse is that I have too much to do. 我那站不住腳的借口就是我要乾的事太多了。
- We can no longer afford to postpone our nation-building while Iraqis squabble over whether to do theirs. 尤其是當伊拉克議會還在爭論何者要先建設時,美國不能再選擇推遲我們自己國家的建設了。
- I can't afford to buy them an expensive wedding present. 我沒錢給他們買一件貴重的結婚禮品。