- Early man shows certain affinities with the ape. 早期的人類和猿有某些相似之處。
- English has many affinities with German. 英語與德語有許多類似之處。
- French has many affinities with Latin. 法語與拉丁文有許多類似的地方。
- Cubism had affinities with the new European interest in Jazz. 主體派和歐洲新近的爵士音樂熱有密切關係。
- The Spanish and Portuguese languages have many affinities. 西班牙語和葡萄牙語有著許多親密的關係。
- The different isozymes bind calcium ions with different affinities. 不同的同功酶以不同的親和力與鈣離子相結合。
- Escalation has conceptual affinities with bargaining theory. 逐步升級同交易理論在概念上具有相似性。
- What is the physiological significance of the different O2 affinities? 這種不同的氧親和力有什麼生理意義?
- The phytogeographical affinities of pteridophytes between China and Japan. 中國-日本蕨類植物區系的地理親緣.
- Electron affinities calculated via Koopmans' theorem are usually quite poor. 分子的第一電離能等於分子最高佔據軌道的能量,電子的親合勢等於最低的未佔據軌道的負數。
- Archaeology is silent on such questions as the ethnic and linguistic affinities of the ancient peoples. 考古學對先民的種族和語言關係,未能提供證據。
- Ionization Energy (IE) and Electron Affinities (EA) are expressed as kilojoules per mole. 電離能和電子親和性表達為每千焦耳摩爾。
- The affinities of all the beings of the same class have sometimes been represented by a great tree. 同一綱內一切生物的親緣關係,常常可用一株大樹來表示。
- Apart from an analysis of many affinities of Huck Finn and Holden Caulfield, their differences have also been focused. 摘要在分析哈克和霍爾頓的相似點的基礎上,重點分析他們的不同點。
- These results indicated that anthraquinone drugs exhibited differences in their affinities towards human serum albumin. 結果表明,這些蒽醌類藥物與人血清白蛋白都有不同程度的結合。
- We are now gradually giving workunits that compute these binding affinities only for GPU clients. 我們正在逐步將需要計算判斷親和力的任務包發放給GPU客戶端。
- Apart from an analysis of many affinities of Huck Finn and Holden Caulfield,their differences have also been focused. 在分析哈克和霍爾頓的相似點的基礎上,重點分析他們的不同點。這些異同點表明前世作家的作品必定會對後來的作品產生影響。
- The affinities between the artists may have nothing to do with Mr Gursky's intent. 藝術家之間的緊密聯繫也許與古爾斯基的意圖無關。
- There are floral affinities and connection between the provinces, particularly near their boundaries. 區系間植物之間相互有聯繫,尤其是在區系邊界地區。
- The movement of human life is also called destiny (命運, Mingyun), which is mainly embodied in affinities. 人生的運動也稱為命運,主要體現在緣中。