- Which means that Mars is still active geologically. 這就意味著,從地質學上講,火星仍然是個活躍的星球。
- Furthermore, it more precisely reconstructs the primary geologic process, reveals certain unknown facts and proves more informative. 可以揭示出一些新的地質現象,對於覆蓋區相帶展布及變化具更合理的預測性。
- Plate tectonics, the geologic process responsible for creating the Earth's continents, mountain ranges, and ocean basins, may be an on-again, off-again affair. 板塊構造運動,這個一直被認為是創造地球大陸,山脈和海洋盆地的地質過程,很可能是一種分分合合的特殊事件。
- As an example, you find gold veins on Earth due to geologic processes. 舉個例子,你在地上發現的金礦脈是地質過程的結果。
- Given the present data, however, it is also possible that a purely geologic process, potentially involving volcanism or rust and not involving any life forms, is the methane creator. 在給出的當前數據下,這也很可能純粹是一種地質運動,很可能涉及到火山運動或者氧化作用,而根本不涉及任何的生命形式,地質活動才是甲烷的製造者。
- On one hand, the geologic process controls the natural state of regional land resources, e. g., the characteristics of land form is resulted from the tectono-magmatic activity and orogenesis. 其一,地質作用決定了土地資源自然狀況:構造岩漿活動、區域造山動力等地質作用決定了區域地貌特徵及土地資源的空間分佈格局;
- This geological process created complex molecules of hydrogen and carbon. 複雜的地質學變化產生出有氫元素和碳元素組成的複雜的化合物。
- Transmittal energy and transfer material are the main actions of basinfluid which is one of the most active geological agent within the basin. 盆地流體起著傳輸能量和搬運物質的作用,也是盆地中最活躍的一種地質營力,直接影響和控制著沉積盆地的構造、沉積、成岩和成礦等作用。
- Some mineral deposits are formed, improved, or preserved by geologic processes that occur in arid lands as a consequence of climate. 一些礦物沉積形成,改良或通過出現在乾旱地區如氣候的結果引起的地質過程來形成。
- Caption:: Earth is a very geologically active planet, the frequent earthquake, tectonic activities, volcano eruptions are all indicator of active geologic activities. 其實地球是一個很活躍的星球,比起太陽系的其他行星,她的地質活動頻繁,地震、板塊運動、火山爆發都是量度活躍度的指標。
- The point is that Earth』s tectonic and geologic processes portend the end of the planet and its subsequent transformation into a star. 於是,我們必須搬家,科學家們尚未研究,到那時,月球或者金星的條件是否適合人類居住。
- For the complexity of water-rock system, all the methods should be used to remolding the geological process of WRR. 對複雜的水岩反應體系,應綜合運用各種方法,以更加真實地重塑水岩反應的過程。
- Geology tour resources is the special natural resource which the geological process forms. 摘要地質旅遊資源是地質作用形成的特殊的自然資源。
- The orient has been playing an active role in the world economy. 亞洲一直在世界經濟中發揮積極作用。
- Flood disaster is caused by floodwater, but floodwater is not equal to flood disaster.The form of flood disaster is an outer dynamic geological process. 洪災是由洪水引發的,但洪水並不等於洪災,由暴雨發展為洪水、洪災是一種外動力地質作用過程。
- He is an active member of the school's stamp club. 他是學校集郵俱樂部的一名活躍會員。
- This paper makes a preliminary discussion on the possible genesis of such rotation movement,as well as the associated series of geologic processes and its relation to large-scale metalloge... 本文對這種旋轉運動的可能成因,以及所伴隨的一系列地質作用、與大規模成礦作用的關係等進行了初步探討。
- An active volcano may explode at any time. 活火山隨時都有可能爆發。
- Therefore seafloor hydrothermalism is a geological process of planet scale and should not be overlooked in any cases.It is especially important in understanding geochemical ba... 對於認識海水地球化學平衡和研究某些形成於海底的礦床的成因,它更有特別重要的意義。