- According to one or more schedules. 根據一個或多個計劃。
- Cut one's coat according to one's cloth. 一塊桌布。
- To live up to one's words; act according to one's own advice. 按照某人的話生活;按照自己的建議行動
- Act up to something: act according to one's principles, etc. 根據原則等行事。
- According to one survey, one woman in eight is infertile. 有調查顯示,8名婦女中有一名不育。
- According to one writer,appiness is a secret, if be asked wha... 一位作家曾說過:幸福是一個謎,你讓一千個人來回答,就會有一千種答案。
- According to the present rate,it's 8.27 Hong Kong dollars to one dollar. 目前兌換率為1美元兌換8.;27港元。
- Assign a grade or rank to,according to one's evaluation; as of scholastic work. 根據某人的表現來評定他的級別,此詞語可用來指學術作品。
- So, it was not reasonable to appraise the HMW-GS according to one subunits. 因此,不能僅根據某一項指標對亞基進行評分。
- According to one theory, Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy explains her actions. 有一種說法說,孟喬森綜合病徵(又稱偽病或詐病)可以解釋她的行為。
- He will be punished according to his deserts. 他將受到應有的懲罰。
- According to one of the eyewitnesses, they were let loose like a barbarian horde to desecrate the city. 根據一個目擊者的證詞,日軍就像一個野蠻人的部落,毫無節制地四處掠奪。
- According to one study,belts are worn only by about fifteen percent of drivers and passengers in cities,and only nine percent in small towns. 根據一項研究,在城市裡只有百分之十五的駕駛員和乘客系保險帶,在小城鎮,只有百分之九。
- He ranged the books according to size. 他照大小順序排列這些書。
- According to one government source, Sadat was unconscious moments after being wounded. 據政府消息靈通人士說,薩達特受傷后就昏迷不醒。
- He ordered his life according to strict rules. 他把生活安排得十分刻板。
- According to one website, China began using SMS in 2000 and growth has been amazing. 根據一個網站的信息,中國的手機用戶從2000年才開始使用簡訊息,此後簡訊息業務迅速增長。
- According to English law, Hubert is innocent. 根據英國法律,哈拍特無罪。
- He varies the treatment according to circumstances. 他根據情況,變換治療方法。
- According to one report, the brochure was "rendered meaningless" by the online tool. 有報道說:在線工具譯出來的手冊 「毫無意義」。