- For some reasons which closed space, and service providers link! 空間因為某種原因關閉中,請和服務商聯繫!
- Eddy blood the clans of blood can make use of dark sorcery to open with close space, can also move. 血之旋渦血族們可利用黑暗魔法開啟和關閉空間,也可移動。
- Love is like farting, when one is alone in a small closed space, one pains most. 獨自一個人呆在小房間的時候,最是痛苦。
- "The fish is just a toy for a while, and it will suffocate to death in the closed space slowly.It is inhuman. 魚被密封在塑料袋裡,供人們把玩,然後在封閉的空間里慢慢掙扎死掉,太不人道了。
- The basis of a typographic system is the unequal distribution of coded and normative signs in linear sequence within a closed space. 字體編排系統的根本是:在一個封閉的空間內,按照線性的次序,對有編碼的或是標準化的一些符號進行有區別的分佈。
- Background: Pyogenic flexor tenosynoitis is a closed space infection inoling the digital flexor tendon sheaths of the upper extremity that can cause considerable morbidity. 背景資料:化膿性屈肌腱鞘炎是一種包括上肢指屈肌腱鞘炎在內閉合性感染,可導致相當的致殘率。
- In the meantime, the curtain that serves as a bedroom must thick, want to rise to protect the action of illicit close space. 同時,作為卧室的窗帘必須厚實,要起到保護私密空間的作用。
- The channels are closely spaced or widely spaced. 河道是緊密相間的或是稀疏相間的。
- Pull when need, became independent illicit close space, when be being opened entirely, can make the space greatens again, special apply to little space. 需要時拉上,便成了獨立的私密空間,全部打開時,又可以使空間變大,非常適用於小空間。
- Chunk culture stone shows straightforward color, the foil of aluminous gusset plate of black and white alternate with gives the illicit close space that an art changes. 大塊文化石表現出粗獷的風格,黑白相間的鋁扣板烘托出一個藝術化的私密空間。
- That hill's an absolute doddle (to climb). (爬)上那座山崗毫不費力。
- We now have the absolute proof of his guilt. 我們現在有他犯罪的確鑿證據。
- How to model the closely spaced miter and widely spaced miter bend. 如何模擬窄間距及寬間距蝦米腰?
- And my " humble room " the illicit close space that became I and wife communication gradually, and the scope of operation that I and child become aeromodelling together, this is happy besides lucky. 而我的「陋室」逐漸成了我和妻子交流的私密空間,以及我和孩子一起做航模的天地,這又是幸福之外的幸運。
- Her new dress is an absolute dream. 她的新連衣裙漂亮極了。
- Illicit close space is much, the door follows much, but if the door leaves in hall, hall did not have a law to make again, so, appropriative corridor also was become door model basic space is formed. 私密空間多了,門跟著就多了,可門要是都開在廳里,廳又沒法使了,所以,專用的過道也成了戶型的基本空間構成。
- My secretary is an absolute gem. 我的秘書真是個難能可貴的人。
- There is no absolute standard for beauty. 美是沒有絕對的標準的。
- When a pure line variety is grown at close spacing there is a competition effect. 當一個純系品種在密的植距下生長時有一種競爭效應。
- At that price it's an absolute gift! 那個價錢,純粹是白給。