- He loves money above everything else. 他愛錢勝過一切。
- He prized my friendship above everything else. 他把我的友誼看得比其他什麼更寶貴。
- Each cadre is required to put Party spirit above everything else. 每個幹部都要把黨性放在第一位。
- Warm and friendly, put guests above everything else. 熱情友好,賓客至上。
- We must encourage everyone to put the general interest above everything else. 要提倡顧全大局。
- I am of the opinion that above everything else, success demands hard work, grit and persistence to go into its making. 我相信任何所有的事情,所有的成功都源於勤奮的工作,吃苦耐勞及其對所從事事業的執著。
- Many young Singaporeans who have been exposed to Western culture have become rather self-centred and place money and freedom above everything else. 年輕一代的新加坡國民,很多受西方思想的熏陶,視個人為中心、金錢為一切、自由為上帝。
- I said last year that we should not just emphasize quantity; we should put quality above everything else. 我去年就說過,產品不能只講數量,首先要講質量。
- Our party has always adhered to the principle of putting the interests of the people above everything else. 我們黨始終堅持人民的利益高於一切。
- Montesquieu's fame rests above everything else on his political theory of the separation of powers. 孟德斯鳩的聲譽主要歸於他的分權政治理論。
- Capital construction projects,which are to last for generations,call for good quality above everything else. 基本建設是百年大計,要求質量第一。
- The Falun Gong organization, in contempt and violation of law, claims that "Falun Dafa'' stays above everything else. 「法輪功」組織鼓吹「法輪大法」高於一切,藐視和對抗法律。
- Tabbox. This is because we need the vertical orientation so that the toolbar will appear above everything else. 這是因為,我們需要的垂直方向,使該工具欄將出現高於一切。
- Capital construction projects, which are to last for generations, call for good quality above everything else. 基本建設是百年大計,要求質量第一。
- Or is it just another alarmist story that promote hand-wringing above everything else? 還只是又一則把提倡叫人焦頭爛額放在第一位的危言聳聽故事?
- Triclosan group our quality first, above everything else for the purpose of function. 玉潔集團秉承質量第一,功能至上為宗旨。
- "For that reason I don't sympathise with coaches who put results above everything else, who only think about themselves and not about football itself. 由於克魯伊夫批評切爾西的足球風格,認為他們為了比賽結果,不惜犧牲娛樂性,致使兩人捲入了一場公開的爭吵之中。
- The Japanese people favor equivocation because they place social harmony above everything else and strongly cherish collective idea. 通過分析這些文化因素,可以看出日本人使用模糊表達與日本人崇尚「以和為貴」、強調集團觀念的文化傳統不無關係。
- The Party exercises leadership by providing political principles,not by monopolizing everything,interfering in everything or placing Party power above everything else. 黨的領導責任是放在政治原則上,而不是包辦,不是遇事干涉,不是黨權高於一切。
- As for the manufacture of industrial products,especially export goods,the central task is to improve quality; quality should be placed above everything else. 工業生產特別是出口產品的生產,中心是提高質量,把質量擺到第一位。