- I was out front, a target of opportunity. 我卻站在第一線,是個最合適的靶子。
- There has been no announcement of roaming costs, not only has become a target of public criticism, but also a reform of telecommunications charges Raytheon evidence of a small heavy rain. 遲遲無法公布的漫遊成本費用,不僅成為眾矢之的,更成為電信資費改革雷聲大雨點小的明證。
- Politicians are often a target of mobile activism. 政治人物往往是移動倡行主義的目標。
- The Italian midfielder is a target of Valladolid. 義大利中場是瓦拉杜利德的目標之一。
- Maersk almost becomes a target of public criticism 馬士基幾成眾矢之的
- Many of these hae started with a target of insuring all children. 很多洲都計劃為所有兒童提供保險。
- The debate aroused not a speck of public interest. 這次爭論沒有引起公眾絲毫的興趣。
- Beneath the surface of peace and affection, hatred and strife were lurking; he also had become a target of attack. 在和平的、愛的表面下,他看見了仇恨和鬥爭,而且他自己也就成了人們攻擊的目標。
- However, the intention of the terrorists, a target of attack, attack mode, or to be able to see some clues. 中英文對照:但從恐怖分子的意圖、襲擊目標、襲擊方式等方面看,還是能看出一些蛛絲馬跡來。
- He is endued with a spirit of public service. 他富有為公眾服務的精神。
- Second, the modus operandi of elements from the holy war, a target of attack, they should be a new type of local Indian extremist forces. 其次,從聖戰分子作案手法、襲擊目標看,他們應是印度本土新型極端勢力。
- Today, the lion is a general mascot and a target of amusement. 今天,獅子是普遍的吉祥物和娛樂賞玩的對象。
- Eve is widely known as a shrewd, successful businessman, full of public spirit. 伊夫是一位有聲望的成功商人,精明能幹,熱心公益事業。
- To attack(a target)with a firebomb. 用燃燒彈攻打(一個目標)
- The lash of public opinion compelled him to resign. 輿論的嚴厲指責迫使他辭職。
- His proposal became the target of criticism. 他的建議成了批評的目標。
- The agency made illegitimate use of public funds. 這個機構非法動用公款。
- A stuffed or pasteboard figure used as a target. 人像靶,人形靶填充或用硬紙板制的人形靶
- Former peanut farmer and president, Jimmy Carter was also a target of Mohammed's. 美國前總統吉米·卡特也是穆罕默德刺殺目標之一。
- Internet: A Orgiastic World of Public Speech? 網路:一個公共話語的狂歡世界?