- He was in a bad frame of mind this morning. 今天上午他心情惡劣。
- She was in a cheerful frame of mind. 她心情愉快。
- The news put me into a better frame of mind. 這則消息使我的心境更愉快
- Everyone seemed in a heavenly frame of mind. 每個人的思想境界似乎都超脫了。
- He is in a bad frame of mind this morning. 今天上午他心情惡劣。
- Thank you Bring a happy frame of mind. 衷心感謝你們帶來了愉快的心情。」
- I'm not in the right frame of mind to start discussing money. 我現在沒心思來商量錢的問題。
- I have to be in the right frame of mind to play chess. 下棋時,我的思想得處於很集中的狀態。
- He was in the frame of mind to accept any offer. 他處於願接受任何提議的心境中,他想要接受任何的提議。
- In my frame of mind, I'd like to buy one today. 按我現在的心氣,我今天就想買下了。
- He had difficulty finding the right frame of mind. 他不知道禪坐時要如何保持正確的心態
- He looks a suspicious character. 他像個可疑的人。
- It was irrelevant to discuss her frame of mind now. 現在沒有必要討論她的思想狀態。
- I'm in no frame of mind to listen to any more excuses. 我沒有心情再聽更多的解釋。
- To anyone of a suspicious cast of mind, these 「clarifications」 leave something to be desired. 對任何心思多疑的人來說,這些「澄清」還留有一些人們想要知道的事情。
- A suspicious boat made up to us. 一條形跡可疑的船向我們駛來。
- In his present frame of mind he shouldn't be left alone. 在他目前的這種心情下,不該讓他獨個兒留著。
- The human element was Admiral Halsey's frame of mind. 人事因素,牽涉到海爾賽將軍的想法。
- In the last few days I've not been in a good frame of mind. 這幾天我心情不好。
- A suspicious mind is a healthy mind. 多疑的心靈是健全的心靈。