- "Cheap!" cried a shrill voice in Mr. Bumble's ear. 「便宜?」一個尖厲的聲音在布班布爾先生耳際大叫。
- "More care!" said the old man in a shrill voice. 「格外關心
- The boys mother shouted his name in a shrill voice. 這男孩的媽媽用尖銳的聲音叫他的名字。
- All of a sudden, a shrill voice broke forth out of the darkness. 突然地,黑暗中爆發出一個尖厲的聲音。
- All of a sudden , a shrill voice broke forth out of the darkness. 突然地,黑暗中爆發出一個尖厲的聲音。
- She whacks the offenders over the head with a sizable branch or barks at them in a shrill voice until they leave her alone. 牠會以相當粗的樹枝敲侵犯者的頭,或以尖銳的聲音對牠們大叫,直到牠們走開為止。
- Same as usual, there is cloudy odour in the air of bathhouse, on gym shoes prevent slippery layer and cement floor to chafing, give out a shrill voice. 和往常一樣,更衣室的空氣中瀰漫著渾濁的氣味,球鞋上的防滑層和水泥地面摩擦著,發出一陣陣刺耳的聲音。
- Wuduo was a girl of twelve, skinny, with a shrill voice, who was usually left in charge when the grown-ups went ashore. She did the cooking and shopping and was often beaten and cried, but before long she would start singing again. 五多是船上的小毛頭,年紀十二歲,人很瘦,聲音尖銳,平時大人上了岸就守船,買東西煮飯,常常挨打,愛哭,過了一會兒又唱起小調來。
- She had a shrill high-pitched voice. 她的聲音高得刺耳。
- Suddenly a boy's shrill voice rose into the sky. 突然,一個男孩尖銳的歌聲劃破了天空。
- But he was interrupted by a shrill cackle. 但他的話被一陣刺耳的笑聲打斷。
- Her shrill voice echoes in my ears. 她那尖銳的聲音在我耳朵里迴響。
- A medieval trumpet with a shrill, clear tone. 尖音小號,號角中世紀號角,能發出尖利、清晰的音響
- To make a shrill, discordant sound. 發出尖聲發出尖厲的、不和諧的聲音
- The whole house echoed with her shrill voice. 整個房子里都回蕩著她的尖叫聲。
- A shrill cry penetrated the silence. 一聲尖叫劃破了寂靜.
- A shrill trumpet-call had pierced the air. 一陣刺耳的喇叭聲響了起來。
- To laugh or talk in a shrill manner. 咯咯地笑尖聲地笑或談話
- The landlady's shrill voice always sets my teeth on edge. 房東太太那副尖嗓子總讓我難受。
- 「He gets exactly what our Dudley gets!」 came a shrill voice from the hall. 「他得到的東西和達力的完全一樣!」走廊里傳來一陣尖聲叫喊。