- He pedaled off to summon a mason. 他騎腳踏車去叫泥瓦匠。
- A workbench used by a mason or sculptor. 石匠工作台,雕刻家工作台。
- He pedalled off to summon a mason. 他騎腳踏車去叫泥瓦匠。
- He pedaled off to summon a mason . 他騎腳踏車去叫泥瓦匠。
- Members of the United Auto Workers union have ratified a package of concessions, designed to reduce GM's labor costs. 美國汽車聯合工會的成員已經正式批准了一攬子讓步計劃,旨在減少通用的人力開銷。
- Then a mason came forth and said, Speak to us of Houses. 然後,一位水泥匠上前說:請講一講房屋吧。
- The deal would substantially reduce GM's labor costs in Canada - a stipulation for receiving additional aid from Canada and the province of Ontario. 這項交易將大大減少通用汽車公司的勞動力成本在加拿大-的規定接受額外的援助來自加拿大和安大略省.
- But back then, there was almost no unemployment, peaking at 12%, because Russia』s Labor Code makes firing employees hard and very costly. 可是那個時候幾乎沒有人失業,失業率最高的時候也就是12%25。因為根據俄羅斯勞工法,解僱員工既麻煩又費錢。
- The doorkeeper of a Masonic or other fraternal society's lodge. 共濟會或其它兄弟會聚會所的守門人
- The transformed filter can realy bring about automatic constant water level move and realize self-service.The design eases the worker『s labor strength consumedly. 改造后的濾池真正能夠達到自動恆水位運行,實現無人值守,大大減輕工人的勞動強度。
- Taking Nangan Town of Luoshan County as an example,this paper analyzes the town s labor services export characteristics of demography and geographical distribution as well . 文章以河南省信陽市羅山縣楠桿鎮為例,分析該鎮勞務輸出特徵以及勞務輸出對當地經濟社會發展產生的影響,並對豫南地區農村進一步開展勞務輸出提出了建議。
- The mason was chipping away at the rock with a hammer. 石匠用鎚子一點一點地把那塊石頭擊碎。
- He asked the mason to make him a tombstone. 他要求這個石匠給他做一塊墓碑。
- Attitude will decide the development orientation of developers which a mason you? 態度決定發展方向開發商你會是哪一種石匠?
- A mason returning from his day's work, left behind him a little package on a bench near the bridge of Austerlitz. 一個收工回家的泥瓦工人把他的一個小包忘了,丟在奧斯特里茨橋旁的一條長凳上。
- This article synthetically analyzes the concept of value in the economic realm,puts forth a new view of the author son this issue and try to deepen the cognition of Marx s labor axiology. 對經濟學領域研究的價值概念進行分析,並提出了自己在這一問題上的新認識,試圖深化對馬克思勞動價值論的認識。
- However, the Hausman test rejects the endogeneity in the wage estimation and indicates that estimation by OLS is just the consistent estimation under the conditions of China』s labor market. 然而,豪斯曼檢驗拒絕了我們工資決定方程中的的內生性問題,表明普通最小二乘法(OLS)的估計結果是更符合中國當前勞動力市場情況的。
- The disciple replied, "This donkey is better than a mason, for it can break things in a split second what a mason has made over a long time. 弟子答言:「此驢勝於瓦師。瓦師久時所作瓦器,少時能破。
- It takes a lot of labor to build a railway. 修築一條鐵路要花費許多勞動力。
- A Brahman master indented to give a big party. He told his disciple, "I need earthenware for the party. Go to the market and fetch for me a mason. 昔有婆羅門師,欲作大會,語弟子言:「我須瓦器,以供會用。汝可為我雇請瓦師。詣市覓之。