- A part that is curved or bent like a hook. 彎曲部分象鉤子一樣彎曲的部分
- To fasten by or as if by a hook. 鉤住用鉤或似乎用鉤連接
- The driveway makes a hook around an old tree. 車道繞過一棵老樹來了個急轉彎。
- A fishing rod is a stick with a hook at one end and a fool at the other. 釣竿是:一端有構子、另一端有傻子的竹竿。
- To pierce or gore with or as if with a hook. 鉤破,鉤穿用鉤或似乎用鉤刺穿或劃破
- To catch, suspend, or connect with a hook. 鉤用鉤子抓、吊或連接
- My assent is given with a hook at the end. 我的同意是有保留的。
- Philip hung his coat on a hook behind the door. 菲利普把上衣掛在了門后的掛鉤上。
- I hung my coat ( up ) on a hook. 我把外套掛在掛鉤上。
- Job Canst thou draw out Leviathan with a hook? 你能用魚鉤釣上鱷魚嗎?
- To fasten by means of a hook or a hook and eye. 用鉤或鉤眼扣固定
- The blacksmith forged a bar of iron into a hook. 鐵匠把一根鐵條鍛造成一個鉤子。
- Bent at the end like a hook; unciform. 形的端部彎成。
- To release or remove from or as if from a hook. 從鉤上取下從或好像從鉤上鬆開或拆下
- My assent is give with a hook at the end. 我雖然表示同意,可是心中尚有保留。
- The lookout took out a hook to catch the cookbook. 瞭望員拿出鉤子來取烹調書。
- It has a thick curved beak like a hook. 它有一張像鉤那樣又厚又彎的嘴。
- Bent at the end like a hook;unciform. 鉤形的端部彎成鉤狀的;鉤形的
- I went to the bar, looking for a hook up. 我去酒吧,去接頭。
- Is there a hook to hang my coat on? 有掛衣服的鉤子嗎?