- Kang Wai paintings, is a strong regional folk art form of murals, pictures, construction of the complex painting. 炕圍畫,是地域性很強的一種民間繪畫形式,是壁畫、年畫、建築彩繪的複合體。
- Story-telling is a folk art much loved by the Chinese. 說書是中國人喜聞樂見的民間藝術。
- Jinshan farmer pictures are a folk art peculiar to the Jiangnan region. 賞心悅目:金山農民畫是江南特有的民間藝術。
- "Shibuxianlianhualuo" (a singing form accompanied by music on ten percussion instruments) is an old folk art form, which is generally performed before a comic dialogue to attract attention. 十不閑兒蓮花落是舊時曲藝的一種,一般在相聲之前演唱以招攬生意。
- Ice lamp festival is a folk art which have been prospering based on northern china. 冰燈是盛行於中國北方的一種古老的民間藝術。
- Glove puppetry is not only a folk art, but also a source of pride for many Taiwanese people. 布袋戲不只是一項民俗藝術而已,它還是許多台灣人民驕傲的原由。
- As a folk art,Yanggoe of Qi and Taigu County fully explains the feudal marriage with its beautiful aria and abundant cultural connotations. 作為一種民間藝術形式,祁、太秧歌用它優美的唱腔和豐富的文化內涵對封建婚姻做出了完整的詮釋。
- Today, more than a plaything for children, and sugar is no longer a simple thing to coax a child, and has been used as a folk art be taken seriously. 如今兒童的玩物多了,糖人不再是單純哄孩子的東西了,已經被作為一項民間藝術受到重視。
- The Thirteen Rhymes are the established rhymes in operas and other folk art forms. 十三轍是戲曲、曲藝約定俗成要遵照的韻腳轍口。
- The entertainers kicked off with a folk song. 表演者唱了一首民歌作為第一個表演節目。
- The Design Idea of Chinese Folk Art Form 中國民間美術造型設計理念
- Changzhou Drunk Dragon Dancing is a folk dancing in southern China and a unique local folk art of Zhongshan, which combines Southern Fist, Drunk Fist as well as acrobatics. 長洲醉龍,是中國南方獨有的民間舞蹈,它融匯了南拳、醉拳、雜耍等技藝,成為中山本土獨特的民間藝術。
- Include the following programs: First, traditional folk art forms, such ashan chuan , 'zhu ma , the lion "' the dragon," stilts " 'da tou wa wa . 包括以下幾方面節目:一是民間傳統藝術形式,如旱船、『竹馬、獅子「『龍燈、「高蹺」『大頭娃娃」。
- Yazhou clay whistle as a folk art earthen toy has gradually taken on a distinctive style and feature of its own over the development for hundreds of years. 牙舟泥哨作為民間陶制玩具在數百年的發展中逐漸形成了自己的風格和個性,在造型、審美上帶有獨特黔南地方特色。
- Chaozhou Music's way of playing musical instruments and various types of combinations, Yasugongshang is a mass of folk art forms. 潮州音樂的演奏方式和樂器組合種類多樣,是一種雅俗共賞的群眾性民間藝術形式。
- It has the dual attributes of a unique process kf modern it is another innovative combination of modem folk art forms and painting. 她具有雕塑和繪畫的雙重性,是工藝美術和繪畫相結合的又一全新的現代民間藝術表現形式。
- Any thought of the singular objects of folk art forms is the "deformation" of the views are sincere feelings of the creators of the distortion and vilification. 任何以為民間藝術的奇物造型是「變形」的看法,都是對創造者真摯情感的曲解和中傷。
- Calligraphy is a practical art form. 書法也是一種實用性的藝術。
- Through an analysis of Zhangha,a folk art of Dai people,this essay aims to find out when and how Peacock Princess Legend emerged and developed in the area of Daile people in southwest Yunnan. 本文試圖通過傣族民間藝術形式章哈,對孔雀公主故事在滇南傣泐人區域發生和傳播的作用進行考證,發現並分析傣族民間故事的流傳與民間藝術形式章哈之間有著不可分離的相互關係。
- The short story is a difficult art form to master. 短篇小說是一種很難掌握的藝術形式。