- μgmicrogram
- 給我接246分機可以嗎?Could I have extension 246?
- G級各種年齡段的觀眾都可觀看的電影A movie rating that allows admission to persons of all ages.
- 請給我接49683,246分機。Give me49683, extension246, please.
- Z向Z direction
- 246例傳導聾的手術治療Therapy to conductive hearing loss of 246 cases
- Z源Z-source
- 他在文件上籤上姓名的首字母G.P.S。He initialed the paper G.P.S.
- 246號是帶空調和獨用浴室的房間。Number 246 is an air-conditioned room with a private bath.
- Z分法Z Score
- s-o-n-g拼成"song"一字。s-o-n-g spells "song".
- 給我接246分要可以嗎?Can I have extension 245?
- Z計數Z-Count
- 蘇丹GSudan G.
- 請給我接49683,246分機。Give me49683, extension246, please.
- Z-pinZ-pin
- 苯並鉻棕Gbenzo chrome brown G
- 培養美德就意味著拋棄罪惡246Breeding virtue means deserting evil 246
- 變G調G flat(=G+[b])
- 您在銀行的結餘金額為246美元。Your balance at the bank be 246 dollars.