- The International Year of Freshwater, 2003 provides an excellent opportunity to maintain the momentum and raise public awareness. 2003年國際淡水年為保持勢頭和提高公共認識提供了一個良好的契機。
- The International Year of Freshwater,2003 provides an excellent opportunity to maintain the momentum and raise public awareness. 2003年國際淡水年為保持勢頭和提高公共認識提供了一個良好的契機。
- During the preparatory process of the Summit,broad-based support has been indicated for the International Year of Freshwater,2003. 在該首腦會議的籌備進程期間,表明將對2003 年國際年提供廣泛基礎的支助。
- The coincidence of the International Year of Freshwater, 2003 with the Forum provides an opportunity for reciprocal promotion of and cooperation on freshwater issues. 2003 年國際淡水年和論壇在同年舉辦,為二者相互宣傳淡水問題和 在這方面進行合作提供了機會。
- During the preparatory process of the Summit,broad-based support has been indicated for the International Year of Freshwater, 2003. 在該首腦會議的籌備進程期間,表明將對2003 年國際年提供廣泛基礎的支助。
- The coincidence of the International Year of Freshwater,2003 with the Forum provides an opportunity for reciprocal promotion of and cooperation on freshwater issues. 2003 年國際淡水年和論壇在同年舉辦,為二者相互宣傳淡水問題和 在這方面進行合作提供了機會。
- Proceeds from fund-raising could be used primarily to raise awareness of and improve educational programmes about water resource conservation and management in developing countries upon request during the International Year of Freshwater, 2003. 籌集到的資金將根據發展中國家在國際淡水年提出的要求,主要用於提高人們對這些國家水資源保護和管理的認識,改進教育方案。
- The International Year of Freshwater provides the world community an opportunity to raise awareness, promote good practice, motivate people and mobilize resources in order to meet basic human needs and manage water in a sustainable way. 國際淡水年讓全世界社會有機會提高認識,促進良好的做法,調動人員和資源,以期滿足基本的人類需要,以可持續的方式對水進行管理。
- The International Year of Freshwater,2003 is an excellent opportunity to strengthen and expand existing coordinating and networking efforts among United Nations bodies and other relevant stakeholders at all levels. 2003 年國際淡水年是加強和擴大聯合國機構及所有各級利益有關 者之間現有的協調和建立聯繫工作的一個極佳機會。
- The International Year of Freshwater,2003 provides an opportunity to follow up on the outcomes of the Summit and to consolidate and build upon the many efforts carried out to date to protect,use and manage freshwater resources in a sustainable manner. 2003年,國際淡水年提供了一個機會,得以落實首腦會議的成果,以及綜合和奠基於迄今以可持續方式為保護、使用和管理淡水資源進行的許多努力。
- The International Year of Freshwater provides the world community an opportunity to raise awareness,promote good practice,motivate people and mobilize resources in order to meet basic human needs and manage water in a sustainable way. 國際淡水年讓全世界社會有機會提高認識,促進良好的做法,調動人員和資源,以期滿足基本的人類需要,以可持續的方式對水進行管理。
- In recognition of the central importance of water resources to the planet's future,the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the year 2003 as the International Year of Freshwater. 聯合國大會確認到水資源對地球的未來極端重要,宣布2003年為國際淡水年。
- The logo for the International Year of Freshwater,2003 was designed by the Department of Public Information and presented to the Working Committee of the Publications Board at its 367th meeting,on 15 November 2001. 2003年國際淡水年的標誌由新聞部設計,並在出版物委員會工作委員會2001 年11月15日第367次會議時提交給該委員會。
- Design work has begun on a travelling exhibit,to be launched at the Water Dome during the World Summit on Sustainable Development,that will celebrate and promote the International Year of Freshwater,2003. 在可持續發展問題世界首腦會議期間,將在水丘推出的巡迴展覽設計工作已經開始,慶祝和宣傳2003 年國際淡水年。
- Proceeds from fund-raising could be used primarily to raise awareness of and improve educational programmes about water resource conservation and management in developing countries upon request during the International Year of Freshwater,2003. 籌集到的資金將根據發展中國家在國際淡水年2003年提出的要求,主要用於提高人們對這些國家水資源保護和管理的認識,改進教育方案。
- In recognition of the central importance of water resources to the planet's future, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the year 2003 as the International Year of Freshwater. 聯合國大會確認到水資源對地球的未來極端重要,宣布2003年為國際淡水年。
- The Council will be undertaking a number of advocacy and communication activities related to the International Year of Freshwater, 2003, focusing on the outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development. 理事會將開展若干與2003 年國際淡水年有關的宣傳和交流活動,著重於可持續發展世界首腦會議的各項成果。
- Design work has begun on a travelling exhibit, to be launched at the Water Dome during the World Summit on Sustainable Development, that will celebrate and promote the International Year of Freshwater, 2003. 在可持續發展問題世界首腦會議期間,將在水丘推出的巡迴展覽設計工作已經開始,慶祝和宣傳2003 年國際淡水年。
- The International Year of Freshwater, 2003 is an excellent opportunity to strengthen and expand existing coordinating and networking efforts among United Nations bodies and other relevant stakeholders at all levels. 2003 年國際淡水年是加強和擴大聯合國機構及所有各級利益有關 者之間現有的協調和建立聯繫工作的一個極佳機會。
- The International Year of Freshwater, 2003 provides an opportunity to follow up on the outcomes of the Summit and to consolidate and build upon the many efforts carried out to date to protect, use and manage freshwater resources in a sustainable manner. 2003年國際淡水年提供了一個機會,得以落實首腦會議的成果,以及綜合和奠基於迄今以可持續方式為保護、使用和管理淡水資源進行的許多努力。