- Whoever told you to quit smoking is quite right. 無論誰勸你戒煙都是對的。
- Maybe tomorrow if you quit right now. 如果你現在就戒,也許明天吧。
- Re quite a lot of schools and classes you can go to. 有很多學校和課程,你可以參加。
- I want to take you through your scene with Shelley again. There are one or two things that are not quite right. 我想幫你把你和謝利的那場戲再排練一次。其中一兩處還有些毛病。
- You were quite right to criticize him. 你批評他批評得很對。
- Actually, that's not quite right. 實際上,那不完全對。
- He rejoined that this was quite right. 他反駁說這很正確。
- I'm convinced that what you said is quite right. 我相信你說的是對的。
- Re quite a few shops and galleries near your hotel. 在你住的飯店附近有幾家商店和藝術館。
- In that respect you are quite right. 在那一點上,你完全正確。
- You are quite right here. I have no objection. 這次你非常正。
- You see we were quite right to pacify that country. 你瞧,我們平定那個國家是很對的。
- You're quite right Thanks for your advice. 你說得對,領教,領教!
- Yes, sorry. You are quite right. 是的,對不起。你很對。
- Phaedrus: You're quite right about that too. 斐多:這也是很對的。
- I'm afraid what you think about the man is not quite right. 你對此人的看法恐怕不太正確。
- He was quite right in the eyes of everybody. 在大家的心目中,他並沒有錯。
- I am afraid what you think about the man is not quite right. 你對此人的看法恐怕不太正確。
- You were quite right to refuse/in deciding to refuse/in your decision to refuse. 你予以拒絕[決定予以拒絕/予以拒絕的決定]是恰當的。
- Return on equity is in the low teens, and the company『s underwriting standards a{$PAGETAG$}re quite conservative. 凈值收益法應用只有剛十幾年的時間,該公司的保險標準是相當保守的。