- Yangtze River disease 揚子江病
- Economy in Yangtze River Delta (YRD) of China has been booming recently, which makes YRD an increasing significant role in the national economy growth. 近年來,長三角地區經濟快速增長,在全國經濟發展中具有越來越重要的地位。
- The Yellow is not so long as the Yangtze river. 黃河沒有長江長。
- The Yangtze River rises in Qinghai Province. 長江發源於青海。
- Exploit the Yangtze River,@ it said. 開發長江資源。」
- Sichuan have trade links with the Yangtze River. 四川和長江流域有商貿聯繫。
- Why did you take me to the Yangtze River? 你為什麼把我帶到長江邊上來啊?
- Industrial map of the Yangtze River delta II. 長江三角洲產業地圖2。
- They sail in the upper waters of the Yangtze River. 他們在長江上游航行。
- Transfer to Yangtze River cruise ship after dinner. 晚餐后乘船遊覽長江。
- Part of the Yangtze River Delta. 融入長三角。
- Culture in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. 古老而多姿的新石器文化。
- The Yangtze River goes from west to east. 長江自西向東流。
- I live at the resource of Yangtze river. 我住長江頭
- Power Division of Yangtze River Bench Co. 長江機床公司設備動力處。
- She has got the Yangtze River and the Yellow river. 她有長江和黃河。
- The billowing east of Yangtze River dies the water. 滾滾長江東逝水。
- We are flying over the Yangtze River. 我們正在飛越長江。
- We are going to climb a cliff on the Yangtze River. 我們將攀登長江旁邊的一座懸崖。
- The Yangtze River flows through Nanjing. 長江流過南京。