- Lili: No problem. Let's go shopping along Xiushui Street this weekend. 麗麗:沒問題。這個周末我們一起去逛秀水街吧。
- Xiushui Street is about 300 meters long and mainly deals in silks and satins, clothing, footwear, headgear, etc. 秀水街長約300米,主要經營服裝、鞋帽和絲綢製品。
- In February this year they opened this cottage in Xiushui Street,where they run a business dealing in old furniture and folk handicrafts. 於是,今年2月份,兩人在秀水街開起了專門經營民間家私器皿的「草舍」。
- In February this year they opened this cottage in Xiushui Street, where they run a business dealing in old furniture and folk handicrafts. 於是,今年2月份,兩人在秀水街開起了專門經營民間家私器皿的「草舍」。
- He beckoned to me from across the street. 他在馬路對面向我招手致意。
- The street is overarched by ginkgoes. 那條街道給拱形的銀杏樹遮蓋著。
- A loud noise from the street diverted my attention. 街上一陣喧鬧聲轉移了我的注意力。
- The children walk down the street hand in hand. 孩子們手拉手地在街上散步。
- It is rash to cross the street without looking both ways. 不朝兩邊看看就穿馬路是莽撞的。
- A babel of voices could be heard from the street. 可以聽見街上一陣噪囔的聲音。
- He is gunned down in the street outside his office. 他在他辦公室外的街上被槍殺。
- The thick walls deadened the noise from the street. 這道厚牆隔絕了街上的噪音。
- Taking a blind man across the street is a kind act. 扶盲人過馬路是一種善良的行為。
- He brushed past me in the street. 他和我在街上擦肩而過。
- The street glistened in the rain. 街道在雨水中閃光。
- Please do not loiter in one street after school. 放學后,請不要在街頭徘徊。
- Xiushui was called Fenning in ancient time. 修水縣古稱分寧,國史有上望之稱。
- She nodded when she passed me in the street. 她在街上走過我身旁時向我點了點頭。
- There's a grocer's at the corner of the street. 在街道的轉彎處有一個食品雜貨店。
- I come upon a group of children play in the street. 我遇到一群孩子在街上玩耍。