- And the corresponding isometric extension theorem is an immediate consequence. 作為簡單推論證明了相關的等距延拓定理。
- In this paper, an extension theorem on Z-complete posets is given, and it is proved that the category of ZP is a Cartesian closed category. 給出Z-完備集上的一個擴張定理;證明範疇ZP是一個笛卡兒閉範疇.
- This paper discusses the restriction and extension of Fitting pair and provides a theorem which further expands the original extension theorem of Fitting pair given by Berger TR. 本文將Berger T R給出的Fitting對的一個擴張定理加以推廣,得到了一個適用範圍更大的Fitting對的擴張定理。
- In this paper,we prove the first isomorphism theorem,the second isomorphism theorem, the extension theorem of simorphism, and another so me important properties of FAR-module. 證明了FAR模的第一同構定理、第二同構定理、同構擴展定理以及其他一些重要性質。
- Extension Theorem of Fuzzy Rough Sets 模糊粗糙集的擴張定理
- Kahan's matrix extension theorem Kahan矩陣擴張定理
- The Extension Theorem of Quasisymmetric Function on the Interval 區間上擬對稱函數的延拓定理
- An Extension Theorem on Finitely Axiomatizable Algebraic Equation Systems 代數等式系有窮公理化的一個擴充定理
- An Extension Theorem on Z-complete Posets and the Properties of the Category Z-完備集上的一個擴張定理與範疇的性質
- He asked for an extension of his visa. 他申請延長簽證有效期。
- The Whitney graph theorem can be extended to hypergraphs. 惠特尼圖定理可以推廣到超。
- He built an extension onto his house. 他給自己的住宅擴建了一部分。
- Extension of the injured arm was painful. 把受傷的胳膊伸展開是很疼的。
- By extension, an array of any number of dimensions. 廣義來說,矩陣可以是任意維數的數組。
- The Extension Theorem of Continuous Homogeneous Functions in Real Topological Vector Spaces 拓撲向量空間中實齊性連續函數的延拓定理
- We built an extension to our house. 我們擴建了我家的房屋。
- Extension of validity of bid shall normally not be requested. 一般來說不應要求延長投標有效期限。
- Have you heard of the name of Whitney Houston? 你聽說過惠特尼·休斯頓的名字嗎?
- Let us restate the assertions above as a theorem. 我們把上述的斷言重新表述為一個定理。
- She has an extension in the kitchen and in the bedroom. 她的廚房和卧室都有電話分機。