- The International Mixed Court was an important place where the consular jurisdiction system of the western imperialist powers ran in modern China. 混合法庭是西方列強實現其在近代中國享有的領事裁判權的重要方式之一。
- At the same time, The Qing Government encouraged to produce the opium in a large amount in the hope of capturing trade of opium against Western imperialist powers at home. 清政府鼓勵民間大量生產土鴉片以期與西方列強在鴉片貿易上進行利益的爭奪。
- Imperialist powers always tend to gobble up their weaker neighbors. 帝國主義強國總是要想兼并弱小的鄰國。
- On the Western Imperialist Powers'Invasion of the Xisha Islands and the Late Qing Government's Sovereignty Safeguarding 西方列強對西沙群島的侵略與晚清政府的主權維護
- They wished to break free from imperialist powers. 他們希望從帝國主義列強的控制下擺脫出來。
- Down with the imperialist Powers! 打倒列強!
- Gone forever are the days when imperialist powers could do anything they liked in China. 帝國主義國家在中國為所欲為的日子已經一去不復返了。
- The big imperialist powers began a battle royal in dead earnest. 幾個大的帝國主義國家之間爆發了一場你死我活的大混戰。
- The imperialist powers repeatedly forced the Qing government to cede territory and pay indemnities. 帝國主義列強多次強迫清朝政府割地賠款。
- Western imperial powers 西方列強
- It is certainly not the purpose the imperialist powers invading China to transform feudal China into capitalist China. 帝國主義列強侵入中國的目的,決不是要把封建的中國變成資本主義的中國。
- The imperialist powers repeatedly forced the Qing government to cede territory and pay indemnities . 帝國主義列強多次強迫清朝政府割地賠款。
- With the port opened of Yingkou in the northeast of China,the invasion of western imperialist,the Christianity missionaries streamed into china as well,preached and established missionary schools. 伴隨著中國東北的營口開港,西方列強勢力的侵入,基督教傳教士也紛至沓來,傳教佈道,創辦學校。
- By then Britain as an imperial power had declined. 到那時,英國作為一個帝國已經衰落。
- The aim of our united front must be resistance to Japan,and not simultaneous opposition to all the imperialist powers. 我們的統一戰線應當以抗日為目的,不是同時反對一切帝國主義。
- The reason is that China is a semi-colonial country for which many imperialist powers are contending. 這是半殖民地的環境,即許多帝國主義爭奪中國的環境所造成的。
- Following the Meiji Restoration of 1868, Japan searched broadly for tools and innovations that would allow it to become a major power rather than a victim of Western imperialism. 1868年明治維新之後;日本廣泛引進先進的工具與(技術)創新;使其由西方列強的犧牲品轉變為世界大國.
- Certain other imperialist powers are temporarily in favour of unity and peace in China in their own interests. 其他一些帝國主義國家為了它們自己的利益會暫時地贊成中國的統一與和平。
- The same is true of the contradictions between China and the imperialist powers other than Japan. 中國和日本以外其他帝國主義國家之間的矛盾亦然。
- He was represented as the leader of progressive humanity in a titanic struggle with the evil forces of Western imperialism. 他被譽為與西方帝國主義邪惡勢力進行殊死鬥爭的進步人類領袖。