- He had no time to prepare for the party, so he had to play by ear. 他沒有時間為這次聚會做準備,只好憑記憶演奏了。
- Don' t play by the river in case you fall in and drown ! 不要在河邊玩耍,以免你掉到河裡淹死。
- Let's ask Jack to play the piano for the party. He plays by ear. 開晚會時我們請傑克彈鋼琴嗎。他憑耳朵聽就能演奏。
- In fact an incredible number of famous and popular musicians have never used sheet music in their life, either using guitar tablature or playing by ear. 事實上,絕大多數的著名流行音樂家無論是使用吉他指法或靠耳朵演奏,一生從未使用過樂譜。
- Maybe we weren』t ready to have a chick. 也許是我們還沒有準備好養個小雞.
- Had a chance to prepare my notes, so all I can do is to start talking and play by ear. 我沒有機會做準備,因此只好先講,講到哪兒算哪兒吧。
- But we weren』t interested in just the love-dovey side of romance. 但是我們對那些愛情中安穩的一面並不感興趣。
- We weren't playing by ear. 我們並不是只憑聽覺記憶演奏。
- She can play the most difficult piano music by ear. 她能不看樂譜,光憑聽覺記憶彈奏最難的鋼琴曲。
- We restrained the children from playing by the railroad. 我們阻止孩子們在鐵路旁邊玩耍。
- Let's play it by ear when we get there. 到了那兒,我們要見機行事。
- With a bit of his come still in my throat, I croakily assured the coppers that we weren』t depressed at all. 由於喉嚨里還有點貨沒來得及下咽,我只好支支吾吾地向警察保證,我們好的狠,絕對不會尋短見。
- Peter can play the most difficult piano music by ear. 彼得能不看樂譜彈奏最難的鋼琴曲。
- "We weren"t expecting this figure," said economic analyst Ramiro Almada from the Oikos consulting firm. 「我們沒有料到,這個數字說, 」經濟分析師拉米羅阿爾馬達從詩節諮詢公司。
- Amanda: I can read music pretty well, but I'd be nothing without practice. I can't play by ear, and I know you used to be able to do that. 阿曼達:如果只是單單地讀讀樂譜,我還是可以勝任的。但是沒有練習的話,我根本不能單靠耳朵來演奏。好像你以前可以這樣表演的。
- It seemed like an eternity but it was about 20 minutes or so where we weren"t sure. We were hoping Phoenix would phone home and she did. 那好像是一個永恆,但大約20分鐘左右,而當時我們不知道。我們希望鳳凰會打電話回家和她。
- Ps: we should have plan in learning english, don't play it by ear. 我們學習英語要有計劃;不要臨急抱佛腳.
- She could play by ear prettily. 她不看樂譜,光憑聽覺記憶就能演奏得很好。
- The leading role is played by a complete unknown. 演主角的是一個毫無名氣的演員。
- Why don't we play by ear? 我們為什麼不動?