- With an object-verb command order, we don』t need to worry about termination. 如果把命令次序改成對象,即動詞,我們就不需要擔心這樣的情況。
- We don』t need advanced digital tools to mislead, to misdirect or to confuse. 用不著高級的數字工具來誤導我們、把我們引向歧途或者迷惑我們;
- In this scheme, we don』t need to read about types of objects we are not interested in, thus speeding navigation and eliminating excise. 用這種方法,我們無須閱讀那些我們不感興趣的物體類別,這樣便加快了導航速度並消除了無用的附加工作。
- In word processors, we don』t need to load a new blank page after we fill the previous one; rather, the document scrolls continuously, with visual markers for page breaks. 在字處理軟體中寫滿一頁后我們不需要載入新的空白頁面,而是讓文檔持續地滾動,在兩頁之間還有可視的分頁標記。
- We are allejam trading co.ltd, and now we need the computer ,the brand is compaq dell acer ,we don"t need the servers ,we need pc ,please contect us soon. 我公司長期從事電腦配件的進出口;現我公司客戶需要康柏;DELL;ACER品牌電腦;請有貨者儘快報價.;不是伺服器需要的是PC
- In this expression, we don\'t need a multiplication sign or parenthesis. 這個表達式中,我們不需要乘號或括弧。
- You don』t need a lot of signposts to navigate successfully. They just need to be visible. 並不需要大量導航標誌來成功導航,它們只要是可見就行了。
- The inline assembler is built into the compiler, so you don$1$t need a separate assembler such as the Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM). 內聯彙編編譯器已經被構建到編譯器中,所以你不必擁有一個像MASM這樣的獨立的彙編程序。
- Unless you are nutritionally deficient, you probably don』t need a vitamin supplement and if you do, a simple multivitamin is enough. 而如果你真的有需要,那麼一種複合維生素就足夠了。」
- We don』t need to see information about the computer』s data transfer rates and its loading sequence, any more than we need information about the customer service agent』s unhappy love affair. 我們也不需要看到計算機的數據傳輸率和它的載入順序,就像我們不需要知道客戶服務代表不愉快的情感故事一樣。
- Does China summon a matchmaker learning the broad south academy Hebei Province couplet enthusiastically getting mark need a number? 您的位置:我的知道>教育/科學>升學入學>高考>中國傳媒大學南廣學院河北省聯考分需要多少?
- We don』t need quietude! 不需安靜的!
- We need a mechanical digger to level the ground. 我們需要一台挖掘機來平整土地。
- We need a yardstick to measure our performance by. 我們的表現需要一個檢驗的標準。
- We desperately need a result from this match. 這場比賽我們務必獲勝。
- We need a hoist to lift the concrete blocks. 我們需要一台起重機來吊起混凝土塊。
- I need a piece of string to tie this parcel up. 我需要一根細繩把這包裹紮起來。
- When you travel, you don』t need to pay rent.You don』t need a car.You don』t need an oven, a washer-dryer, electricity, Cable TV, a gym membership, a sofa and loveseat or a closet full of clothes. 當你在旅行時,你不需要支付租金,你不需要車,您不需要一個微波爐、洗衣機、烘乾機、電、有線電視、健身房成員、一張沙發和雙人沙發或者塞滿了衣服的衣櫥。
- We don' t intend doing it this year. 我們今年不打算這樣做。
- We need a government that will grasp the nettle. 我們需要一個敢於大刀闊斧地處理問題的政府。