- Wang Cheng was born in Kaifeng city, Henan province in 1945. 王澄,一九四五年生,河南開封人。
- The main species are pine, spruce, fir, Cheng Chi, Euptelea, Cercidiphyllum, and so on. 主要品種有紅松、雲杉、冷杉、赤樺、領春木、連香樹等。
- Therefore, Shoucheng cheng chi soldiers will move to build on the east side comparison Xianyao and Linhe terrain of the mountain. 故守城將士又將城池遷築於東面地勢比較險要而又臨河的山口處。
- Many thought I would be gleeful about Wang Cheng's misfortune. Nothing could be further from the truth. 很多人認為王成的不幸遭遇會證我幸災樂禍。這根本就是胡說人道。
- During the Ming dynasty, a Buddhist called Wang Cheng was always willing to help others, especially orphans and the poor. 明代的時候,有一位佛教徒,叫王成,他總是樂意助人,尤其是孤兒和窮人。
- WANG CHeng Hua is the people of shandong.xintai, living in 1942, Shandong artist association member, deluxe craft art teacher. 王成華山東新泰人,一九四二年生,山東美術家協會會員、高級工藝美術師。
- When Xiang Yu with his army came to Gaixia, he decided on this spot and had a fort built by his soldiers. This people later named Ba'Wang'Cheng or Fortress of Xiang Yu. 項羽被迫撤軍垓下,選中了這塊地方,命軍士築城,後人稱為「霸王城」。
- Wang Cheng believes that the deodar cedar, gingko, yulan magnolia, called "high-grade trees," "precious trees," the Young Liuhuai called "low bush", the sub-law is unscientific. 王成認為,把雪松、銀杏、玉蘭等稱之為「高檔樹」、「貴重樹」,把楊柳槐稱之為「低檔樹」的分法是不科學的。
- LIU Zhi-xiang, Mao Zong-qiang, WANG Cheng, Review on modeling of Proton exchange membrane fuel cell, Battery Bimonthly, Vol.34, No.1, pp56-58, Feb.,2004. 劉志祥,毛宗強,王誠,質子交換膜燃料電池模型研究現狀,電池,第34卷,第1期,56-58頁,2004年2月。
- Wang Cheng, Hu Weidong, Yu Wenxian. The ESPRIT-LS based amplitude-phase compensation parameters estimation in multi-band radar signal fu-sion. Systems Engineering and Electronics, 28(2006)3, 350 ? 354, 375, (in Chinese). 王成;胡衛東;郁文賢.;多帶雷達信號融合中的幅相補償參數估計
- I am at friendship hotel. My name is Wang Tao. 我在友誼賓館,我是王濤。
- He held an opinion quite adverse to Comrade Wang's. 他和王同志持絕然相反的意見。
- I saw Mr. Wang as late as yesterday. 直到昨天我還看見過王先生。
- Mr. Wang is a staff of France airline. 王先生是法國航空公司的一名職員。
- Li Ming is not so old as Wang Lin. 李明沒有王林年齡大。
- Michael Cheng Chi Shun 鄭智信(1941-),澳門人,香港工程師。
- He asked Uncle Wang to take the chair. 他請求王大叔主持會議。
- Mr. Wang's hair was tinted black. 王先生的頭髮染成黑色。
- Yu xia lie tong ben: Chi an xian sheng ji / Wang Nie zhuan. 與下列同本:遲菴先生集/王臬撰.
- Tien Chi is a human nation of the ancient era. 天齊是一個古老的人類國家。