- The prev() function tells the WML browser to go back to the previous WML card, and returns an empty string. 函數的作用是:讓WML瀏覽器返回上一張WML卡片,並返回一個空字元串。
- With the rapid development of wireless Web, the WML browser is widely used in mobile information devices. 隨著無線網路的飛速發展,WML瀏覽器在移動信息終端中得到了廣泛應用。
- I think my phone is being tapped. 我想現在有人竊聽我的電話。
- All you have to do is call on the house phone. 我只要做的就是撥個室內電話。
- I almost forget to pay the phone bill. 我幾乎忘記電話費用。
- Provides a phone call adapter class for the WML device adapter set. 為WML設備適配器集提供電話適配器類。
- He got hung up with a phone call as he was leaving. 他剛要動身就被一個電話給耽誤了。
- He looks as ill as he sounded on the phone. 他的樣子和他在電話中說話的聲音反映的病情是一樣的。
- I was reading a magazine when the phone rang. 電話鈴響時我正在看一本雜誌。
- Keep a level head and phone the Fire Department. 保持冷靜,打電話給消防署。
- We had a nice visit on the phone. 我們在電話里談得很高興。
- I slip up and give you the wrong phone number. 我粗心大意給錯了你電話號碼。
- Helping a caller to contact somebody by phone. 幫助打電話者同某人電話聯繫。
- Cover her while I phone the police. 你用槍看住她,我給警方打電話。
- Has the phone been connected yet? 電話接通了嗎?
- I almost forgot to have the phone disconnected. 我幾乎忘記把我的電話停用了。
- You're welcome to use the phone. 歡迎你使用這電話。
- I shall like to make a phone call here, if I may. 如果允許的話,我想在這兒打個電話。
- WML scripts need to be compiled into byte code on a server before they can run in a WAP browser. WML腳本在WAP瀏覽器上運行之前,必須在伺服器上被編譯為位元組代碼。
- The computerized phone has a callback facility. 計算機化的電話有回叫裝置。