- She' s determined to win, by fair means or foul. 她決心要贏; 那怕是不擇手段.
- He' s determined to remain loyal to the team whatever comes his way. 他決心不管發生什麼事都忠於球隊。
- The materials and test items had to be sent to the NERC according to timeline s determined by the MOE in collaboration with the schools. 這些教材與物件必須在教育部及共同合作學校所制定的期限內,傳送至全國資源中心。
- Mostly B's Determined to forge ahead no matter what the circumstances, you overlook little discomforts. 大部分選B的人:你不在意一些細微的不適,無論環境如何都堅定的勇往直前。
- METHODS High molecule polymer excipient was used in the process and release rate wa s determined. 方法:用高分子化合物作輔料製備緩釋片,測定釋放度。
- Vandermonde' s Determinant 范德蒙行列式
- Foby『s determines to provide the most professional and comprehensive level of service to her clients through state-of-the-art features and technology. 富彼會通過其頂級的藝術品質和先進的技術為客戶提供最專業、最廣泛的服務。
- Even the EEC's determinedly optimistic projections anticipate a short-term loss of several hundred thousand jobs when national barriers fall. 歐洲經濟委員會雖然作出了極為樂觀的估計,同時他們也預料到:在歐洲共同體內部取消邊境之後,短期內會喪失數十萬個工作機會。
- The latest experimental result of the EPR-type experiment supports the prophecy of quantum theory.However, it runs counter to Einstein"s deterministic physics of cause and effect. EPR型實驗的最新實驗結果支持量子力學的預言,而和愛因斯坦的因果確定性的物理實在觀相悖。
- The scenario of 「Islam hijack democracy」 has undermined the US's determination to promote democracy in Middle East, which seems to support 「Middle East exceptionalism」. 「伊斯蘭劫持民主」這一民主化前景影響了美國在中東推動民主的熱情,這似乎印證了民主化問題上的「中東例外論」。
- The choice of Asian destinations was seen as symbolising the Obama administration』s determination to give the region new prominence in American diplomacy . 以亞洲為首選地也反映出奧巴馬政府的 外交政策 給予這一區域以突出地位。
- Following the work of Group 22 in Washington,I am most heartened by the G-7 initiatives announced last Friday,I am glad to know the G-7's determination to ensure sustained economic growth. 繼二十二國集團在華盛頓展開的工作,七大工業國上周五也公布新措施,實在令人振奮。
- What we』re now talking about is the Vice President』s determination to guarantee Quemoy and Matsu, which are four and five miles off the coast of Red China, which are not within the treaty area. 我們現在談論的是,這位副總統執意要防守金門島和馬祖島,它們距離紅色中國的海岸僅四五英里,並且不屬於共同防禦條約規定的防守地區。
- They spend the winter(s) in a warmer climate. 他們在氣候較暖的地方過冬。
- Most plural nouns in English end in "s". 英語的複數名詞多以「s」結尾。
- The sweater had shrunk after repeated washing(s). 這件套頭毛衣洗過多次已縮水了。
- The SuperNet is one province』s determined attempt to create a high-speed telecommunications backbone throughout a land mass bigger than the Iberian Peninsula but with fewer people than Albania. 「超網」是這個省在其全境建立高速通信幹線的計劃。阿爾伯特省的面積和伊比利亞半島(西班牙加葡萄牙)相當,而人口比阿爾巴尼亞還少。
- Some old folk(s) have peculiar tastes. 有些老人有特殊的愛好。
- Based on the Taylor series expansion,the formulas is obtained by the character of the Vandermonde determinant. 此公式是以泰勒展開式為基礎利用范德蒙行列式性質而得到的。
- SAS campaign manager Andy Cummins added: "After SAS highlighted the problem of mermaid's tears on UK beaches we were impressed with the BPF's determination to find a solution to this big problem. 的SAS康明斯競選經理安迪說: 「經過的SAS突出的問題,美人魚的眼淚在英國海灘我們留下了深刻印象的帶通濾波器的決心,找到解決這個大問題。