- The Clean Water Act expressly provides that it does not preempt more stringent state law. 《潔凈水法案》明確規定,該法並不先佔更為嚴格的州法律。
- The NCP was originally developed under section 311(c) of the Clean Water Act. 《全國應急計劃》最初是按照《潔凈水法案》中第311條(C)提出來的。
- Under a provision modeled on the Clean Water Act, states may assume responsibility for hazardous waste control (section 3006). State laws less stringent than federal requirements are preempted (section 3009). 仿照《潔凈水法案》,各州可以負責危險廢物控制(第3006條),不如聯邦要求嚴厲的州法律被聯邦法先佔(第3009條)。
- The federal government promulgated the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act. 聯邦政府頒布了《水清潔法》和《空氣清潔法》。
- These provisions provide less guidance than most of the analogous provisions of the Clean Air Act or Clean Water Act. 這些條款與《潔凈空氣法案》和《潔凈水法案》的大部分類似條款相比,提供的指導更少一些。
- The violation in question was the Navy's failure to get a permit under the Clean Water Act before a training exercise. 該案中的違法問題是海軍在訓練演習之前沒有得到許可。
- Regulation of toxic pollutants under the Clean Water Act is discussed in Chapter 5. 根據《潔凈水法案》,關於有毒污染物的管制將在第五章討論。
- As discussed in the preceding section, implementation of that provision proved impractical, and the Clean Water Act was amended in 1977. 正如在前面所討論的,那一條款的執行證明是行不通的。 1977年對《潔凈水法案》又進行了修正。
- The goals of the 1972 Clean Water Act are to eliminate the discharge of pollutants into waterways and make all U.S. waterways swimmable and fishable. 李薇特表示,1972年凈水法案的目標是全面禁止污染物排放至水道,且讓全美水道都能夠游泳及釣魚。
- The company specializes in the import and export of all the personnel for many years, import agents internationally renowned brands: TENNANT the United States cleaner products. 本公司全部由專業從事進出口工作多年的人員構成,進口代理國際知名的品牌:TENNANT美國清掃機系列產品。
- This result is difficult to discern in the language of the Clean Water Act itself, and seems to present no practical advantages over the application of federal law. 這種結果按照《潔凈水法案》條文本身很難辨別,似乎在運用聯邦法律方面還沒有出現實際上的優越性。
- CERCLA includes RCRA hazardous wastes and hazardous sub-stances designated under the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Toxic Substances Control Act. CERCLA包括RCRA有害廢物和危險的子態度依據乾淨的空氣行為,乾淨的水行為和有毒人規定指定了物質控制代理。
- As originally enacted in 1972, the Clean Water Act contained a section requiring EPA to publish a list of toxic pollutants and to implement standards for these pollutants providing an "ample margin of safety". 1972年最早頒布的《潔凈水法案》中含有一個條款,該條款要求環境保護局公布一份有毒污染物的細目,並為這些污染物實施一個「充分的安全限度」標準。
- He was appointed ambassador to the United States. 他被任命為駐美國大使。
- Leasing and resultant exploration, development, production and transportation of OCS oil and gas also are subject to the mandates of NEPA, the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA), and the Clean Water Act. 外大陸架油氣田的租賃、合作考察、開發、生產和運輸部要依據《國家環境政策法》、《海岸地區管理條例》、《潔凈水法案》辦理手續。
- Canada and the United States are neighbors. 加拿大和美國是鄰邦。
- Japan does lots of trade with the United States. 日本與美國間的貿易頻繁。
- He went on a speaking tour of the United States. 他去美國作巡迴演講。
- The United States has a federal government. 美國有聯邦政府。
- United States money has a decimal system. 美國貨幣採用十進位。